Observing that you can implement any semantics atop a turing complete mechanism isn't interesting. You're also ignoring the very interesting possibility of using a total language.
I am perfectly fine expressing a criticism without trying to become the next ETH developer. That's a pointless and rude behavior. If you find my criticism uninteresting you are free to simply scroll on.
I pointed out that Vyper is an alternative to Solidity which already is available, and that any language can be created to run in the EVM. I would even like to see a subset of COBOL ported to the EVM with an eye toward simple security constructs.
Am curious what specific shortcomings you found in Vyper.
I am perfectly fine expressing a criticism without trying to become the next ETH developer. That's a pointless and rude behavior. If you find my criticism uninteresting you are free to simply scroll on.