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It looks like it? At least from a cursory reading of the press release...which goes against everything that has been said up to this point. The hilarity continues.

Yeah, just yesterday SBF tweeted:

> This was about FTX International. FTX US, the US based exchange that accepts Americans, was not financially impacted by this shitshow.


That’s the one. Thanks for linking it.

Was he in denial? Lying? Clueless? I have no idea at this point.

He seemed earnest and genuine, but everything he’s saying is the exact opposite of reality.

Maybe he was having an anxiety attack. I had one once, and it completely sucks. It ruins your ability to form logical thoughts.

(It’s rare to see someone so powerful be so confidently mistaken. The confidence is the part I’m struggling to figure out. There doesn’t seem to be much benefit for him to knowingly lie about FTX US not being impacted, so it seemed like something else was going on.)

If he comes out the other side massively wealthy, then what was there to be "mistaken" about? You're extending an incredibly generous quantity of sympathy to someone that has absolutely not earned even a little of it. Speculating that he had an anxiety attack! I mean, really.

It’s not really sympathy though. From a game theory perspective, what benefit did he get from saying FTX US wouldn’t be impacted?

It seems like there was negative benefit: not only did it accomplish nothing in practice, but it couldn’t have helped even theoretically.

So when someone does something like that, I can’t help but speculate.

More time to get his and his friends' money out?

Oh, good point. Thanks!

It kept some number of people from withdrawing their funds from FTX US yesterday, leaving more money in the pot to return to other stakeholders. This has nothing to do with game theory, what would that even mean!?

It's like saying modulo or orthogonal - people just parrot these words on HackerNews

Ah yes, yet another “game theory” perspective. Seriously, what is it with crypto enthusiasts and making everything about game theory? What does it even mean in reality?

It's a way of ignoring basic fundamentals and construing any move by anyone the way you want it because of 'rationality' as opposed to actual evidence or the most obvious reason.

Stop assuming rich people are rational

Rumors were that he was still trying to raise some kind of last minute savior financing after Binance backed out. If so, his best cards are to show that not everything he has is a shitshow and there may still be some real value financiers might be able to buy for pennies on the dollar if they save him from complete collapse.

> He seemed earnest and genuine, but everything he’s saying is the exact opposite of reality.

Con man is short for “confidence” man for a reason. What they’re good at is gaining the unmerited confidence of others. You got played by his charisma. Remember this for next time.

> It’s rare to see someone so powerful be so confidently mistaken.

I struggle to see how this could be true after 4 years of President Trump and Elon Musk's various undelivered promises. It's not rare, it seems to be extremely commonplace.

Remember when Biden said the Hunter Biden laptop was fake?

It is very common

>Remember when Biden said the Hunter Biden laptop was fake?

I don't think Joe Biden has ever said that.

This guy is such a serial liar...I wonder why he doesn't have a lawyer advising him to avoid making statements on a public platform at this point.

It absolutely blows my mind; if this[1] failure of an attempt at a "get out of jail free" disclaimer is something you feel the need to write out so poorly, and in all caps, after your diatribe, maybe - MAYBE - you shouldn't have said a goddamn word.


"Your honor, whatever I've said should not be used against me in the court of law"...I can't make up this parody if I was a scriptwriter.

Here's another...SBF has stepped down, and his replacement is John J. Ray III, a famous bankruptcy lawyer who helped clean up Enron...yes, that Enron.

I bet is motto is the same as the one that gets these companies in trouble: “pay yourself first”.

Must be tough being a fiction writer these days.

I'm waiting for the Law&Order ripped from the headlines episode. Who will be the murder victim in the opening scene though? DUN DUN!!!

>I'm waiting for the Law&Order ripped from the headlines episode. Who will be the murder victim in the opening scene though? DUN DUN!!!

I suppose the writers could mine[0] this for inspiration.

[0] Pun intended.

Yeah! That was the tweet that made me suspect an anxiety attack / some other health condition.

The weirdest part is that all 23 tweets were posted simultaneously at 8:13am. So he had the opportunity to say nothing; he could’ve clicked “save draft” instead of “tweet all”.

heh how close together are the "save draft" and "tweet all" buttons?

Twitter should add Miranda warnings to the before-you-tweet prompts. It would be a reasonable use-case for ML classification.

This guy is just taking a play from the same book Trump, Musk, Kanye, etc use. Only, he's turned it up to an 11. It'd be a funny skit to see a Trump character reading this guy's tweets/interviews and saying "whoa"

Especially on twitter, where by default you only see the first few tweets of a chain.

"Here is a bunch of information about the ongoing potentially criminal collapse of my company - oh by the way I'm a bad dev so some of what I said above might be wrong, don't act on this information."

His parents are law professors at Stanford. It’s crazy. You think they’d make a call and tell him to just stop.

I'm sure they have; does this look like someone who would listen to his parents?

His father was involved in the business... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmmXUtRt6xo

Because no one can tell who are real accounts and parody accounts on Twitter right now.

His parents are probably going to invoice him for legal advice at this point.

Wrong. FTX US is the US based exchange that accepts Americans. You gotta always read the latest SBF tweets because he consistently says 1 thing then the next day does the opposite.

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