Suppose FizzBuzz were a perfect proxy for programming ability. Some programmers are FizzBuzz-capable, and the rest are FizzBuzz-failures. Members of both groups interview for jobs. A FB-capable programmer goes on three interviews, gets an offer, and works at his job for a couple of years. A FB-failure goes on three interviews, gets no offers (or if he gets an offer, gets fired shortly after), and goes on three more interviews the next week.
The FB-capable average 1.3 interviews/year. The FB-failures average 150 interviews/year. (All numbers are total fabrications, of course.) There don't have
to be a lot of FB-failures for them to represent 99% of interview candidates.
You may laugh at the utter simplicity of this test, but I administer this several times a week when I interview candidates.
I am still dismayed at how few programmers can solve this given 30 min (15 for the correct solution, plus 15 for optimizations across instructions and code brevity). It filters out the weak for sure.
Unfortunately it is really not, I have a friend who is just transitioning from junior to senior level and he is kind of coming to the realization that the majority of developers are really that bad. I usually look at elitist statements with a bit of septicemic because generally it is an average person trying to make themselves feel better, but in the case of the development world, it really is that bad. It is the reason that we have the 10x'ers.
For example a good developer should be able to solve this problem even if he has never used the technologies involved. It is that simple of a problem. I have never developed in Ruby in my life, 10 minutes on Google gave me all the Ruby API's I needed to complete the challenge. You see a good developer sees the solution and then figures out the API to do what they need it to do. Mastery of the technology is not what makes a good developer, seeing the solutions is where the value of a developer should be measured.
How is it possible that 99% of programmers fail this? What qualifies as a programmer? (Where is that statistic even from...) Does that mean someone with a CS degree? Are the failures stemming from not knowing the general concept, or is it just lack of familiarity with any language (I suppose both are quite horrifying)
It's probably 99% of job applicants. Remember a bad programmer will go to more job interviews than a good programmer, because the bad programmer probably won't get a job. So the success rate of job applicants is not the same as the percentage for all programmers.
I do not know Ruby and I was able to complete the test in under 10 minutes. familiarity with the language should not be an issue with a problem this simple.
I do not know Ruby, but I wanted to see what happened when I clicked next. Without writing any code I clicked "Grade it!" This provided me with the unit test output. I looked at it for a moment and then guessed at a solution that might work using copy and paste and based on the comment in the code. Here it is:
It's actually kind of fun to write a program in a language you don't know, just learning by Googling as you go. I did that when I wanted to write some add-ons for Warhammer Online. Someday, I'm going to have to properly learn Lua and its idioms and conventions and then go back and look at my Warhammer stuff and see just how horrible I did.
I also did the same thing with JavaScript. I wanted a calculator for Talisman building in Warhammer Online. At first I was going to do it as an iPhone application. Then I decided a web page would make more sense, and so was going to write it as a Perl CGI application. Then I decided it would make more sense to do it in JavaScript so that my server wasn't doing the work.
These were fun experiments, but overall I think I prefer to learn the way I learned C. I got K&R, read it, then went to the computer center (this was before personal computers were common), sat down at a terminal, and started hacking out some simple programs, with my K&R at my side. A couple sessions of that cleared up the few things I had misunderstood.
Unfortunately, I've never found a book as good as K&R for any other language I've wanted to learn.
I remember reading an article about "Digital Natives" and "Digital Immigrants". The thesis of the article was that people who grow up in the digital world have a fundamentally different approach to things like learning than do those of us who grew up pre-digital. They are the natives--they grew up with computers, and multitasking, and access to vast amounts of online knowledge. They don't want to learn things by sitting down with a book and reading it through chapter by chapter, and then go out and apply that knowledge. They expect that for any task they wish to accomplish, they can learn what they need when they need it by going to Wikipedia, or Googling, or getting help on IRC, and so on.
When I set out to write my Warhammer Online add-on and the talisman calculator, I was consciously trying to act more like a digital native than a digital immigrant, to see how well it worked. It worked out better than I expected, but not enough to convince me that the digital native approach is better than the digital immigrant approach.
My favorite answer. You can even leave out the "" around the numbers.
I'm surprised the lower case fizz and buzz passed--the directions definitely say "Fizz" and "Buzz" (I got a 503, so I haven't been able to get to the unit tests).
Those rules are somewhat different to the ones I learned in HS. My teacher's version mapped buzz to multiples of seven, not three, and also required you to use fizz if there was a five anywhere in the number, and buzz for any number containing a seven. Thus, 17,27,37.. were buzzes, as were 70..79, 170..179, and so on. 57 and 75 were both fizz-buzz by that rule. Numbers with multiple 5s had to use the appropriate number of fizzes, and numbers with multiple 7s had to use the appropriate number of buzzes. Thus, 757 would be "buzz-fizz-buzz".
I've seen the fizz buzz test mentioned a lot lately, and had assumed that it was referring to the somewhat more challenging version I knew. Do people really have that much trouble with this simple version?
This is the well known version AFAIK (I've seen in many times over the years).
I'm actually not that surprised people have trouble with it. Even in my CS program at a decent university, I encountered many students that could still not handle simple programming tasks in advanced courses, and were relying on the internet, cheating and heavily leaning on TAs to get through.
It took me a while to figure out why mine wasn't working because I wrote [1..100], which is a one-element array with a range in it. Too much Haskell, I guess.
To salvage my dignity, here's the Haskell solution:
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ map fizzbuzz [1..100]
where fizzbuzz n | n `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz"
| n `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz"
| n `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz"
| otherwise = show n
This might be a little offtopic, but I would advise against leaving `console.log` calls in production code, even when there are checks to prevent calling it when the console object is undefined. Commenting those lines out would do the trick, since minification can remove them.
I passed with this :
class FizzBuzz
for i in (1..100)
if((i.modulo(3)==0) && (i.modulo(5)==0))
puts "FizzBuzz"
puts "Fizz"
elsif (i.modulo(5)==0)
puts "Buzz"
puts i
and got this :
"Nice job, you beat the FizzBuzz test! If you believe in the rumors, you are officially better than 99.5% of programmers."
I'm new to ruby, is there any way to "optimize" that code?
Edit : I don't know how to format code for HN.
Indent your code with four spaces; that'll make it format properly.
Your solution is pretty close, and honestly, is decent enough. There are some idiomatic shortcuts you could take, though; ranges are objects and expose #each, you can use postfix conditionals, and you can use % instead of #modulo.
Here's how I'd do it.
(1..100).each do |i|
print i unless i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0
print "Fizz" if i % 3 == 0
print "Buzz" if i % 5 == 0
print "\n"
(print is like puts, but doesn't append the newline, letting me construct the line piecewise).
This might actually run a wee bit slower than your solution, because all three conditions are evaluated per run, but it's less code and easier to read. Good lead-in to a discussion about code clarity vs optimization.
The fun thing about these sorts of tests if in figuring out how to do it a little bit differently. For example, I wanted to see if I could do it with a true one-liner (ie, no semicolons) with piecewise construction (ie, no nested ternaries). Here's my solution.
I wouldn't really consider programmer == knows modulus. I only learned of the modulus operator a year or two ago (no formal CS background) and previously have built full scale web applications.
Never really touched ruby before and did it without any help other than checking google for some ruby syntax. I highly doubt 99% of "programmers" can't do this.
"Programmer" is a professional job with little to no barrier to entry, often working for people who have no ability to evaluate the quality of your work objectively.
You would be shocked at some of the people out there who call themselves programmers, and even more shocked at how many of these people have supported themselves for years.
The challenge is insufficiently specified. What sort of spacing am I supposed to put between the number, fizz/buzz, and the next answer? A space? A colon and a space? Does it matter?
I don't know ruby, so I didn't make a response, but these things should be spelled out.
It's not a formal specification, but if you just do what the comments in the code say to do ("puts" fizz/buzz/fizzbuzz/#), that's the passing answer.
I don't know Ruby either, so I looked up the syntax for a for loop, guessed at the conditional (elseif vs elsif vs else if) and used puts for output... and that was all it takes to pass the little test.
I just spend the last 30 minutes to learn enough Ruby to pass the test. There are many ways to do this to get it to pass. Thank heavens for modulo, however.
It's simple without modulo too. Division's just repeated subtraction, so subtract 3 or 5 until you hit 0... if you pass it, it wasn't evenly divisible. Multiple loops instead of one.
The FB-capable average 1.3 interviews/year. The FB-failures average 150 interviews/year. (All numbers are total fabrications, of course.) There don't have to be a lot of FB-failures for them to represent 99% of interview candidates.