> So basically compile time type checking just makes some of the errors get caught earlier which is a slight benefit but not a KEY differentiator.
Unfortunately, I have to completely disagree here, at least based on my experience. Shifting software error detection from runtime to compile time is absolutely paramount and, in the long run, worth any additional effort required to take advantage of a strong type system.
Firstly, writing unit tests that examine all the possible combinations and edge cases of software component input and state is... an art that requires enormous effort. (If you don't believe me, talk to the SQLite guys and gals, whose codebase is 5% product code and 95% unit test code.)
Secondly, writing automated UI tests that examine all the possible combinations and edge cases of UI event processing and UI state is... next to impossible. (If you don't believe me, talk to all the iOS XCUI guys and gals who had to invent entire dedicated Functional Reactive paradigms such as Combine and SwiftUI. ;) J/K)
Thirdly, I don't even want to get into the topic of writing tests for detecting advanced software problems such as memory corruption or multi-threaded race conditions. Almost nobody really seems to know how to write those truly effectively.
> So what was it that makes python easier to use then C++?
The Garbage Collector, which is side-stepping all the possible memory management problems possible with careless C++. However, a GC programming language probably cannot be the tool of choice for all the possible problem domains (e.g., resource-constrained environments such as embedded and serverless; high-performance environments such as operating systems, database internals, financial trading systems, etc.)
"financial trading systems" This is a myth. Many financial trading systems are written in C# and Java. Don't be distracted by the 1% of hedge funds with lousy funding that need nanosecond reactions to make money. If you have good funding, product diversity matters more than speed.
Otherwise, your post is excellent. Lots of good points. SQLite is something that EADS/ESA/NASA/JAXA would write for a aeroplane / jet fighter / satellite / rocket.
I'm sure C# and Java make excellent programming languages for many if not most financial applications, but I meant that in the context of high-volume Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). Basically financial message transformation, explosion, summarization, audit, etc. across multiple financial institutions. The volume of messages to be processed was quite considerable, so nobody even thought about taking the risk of switching from battle-tested C++ to anything else.
I am sure your use case was incredibly specific. For insane performance requirements plus enterprise software that is not greenfield, basically everything is C++.
No trolling. Have you ever seen the high-frequency Java stuff from Peter Lawrey's Higher Frequency Ltd.? It is insanely fast. Also, LMAX Disruptor (Java) data structure (ring buffer) is also legendary. I have seen it ported to C++. That said, you can beat all of this with C++, given enough time and resources!
Another thing you're not addressing here is basically Type checking solves none of the problems you describe. You claim it's extraordinarily hard to write tests for UI and for memory corruption. And that's your argument for type checkers? It's next to impossible to type check UI and memory corruption. So your argument has no point here.
SQlite is written in C. It has type checking. Yet people still write unit tests for it. Why? Because type checking is mostly practically inconsequential. All your points don't prove anything. It proves my point.
All the problems you talk about can be solved with more advanced proof based checkers. These systems can literally proof check your entire program to be fully in spec precompile time. It goes far beyond just types. Agda, Idris, Coq, and Microsofts lean have facilities to prove your programs to be fully correct 100% of the time. They exist. But they're not popular. And there's a reason for that.
You say it's paramount to move error detection to compile time. I say, this problem is ALREADY solved, but remains unused because these methods aren't PRACTICAL.
Incorrect. Have a look at the Swift OpenCombine library. Multiple Publishers of a particular type that emits a single boolean value (e.g., an "Agree to Terms" UI checkmark and an "Agree to Privacy Policy" UI checkmark) are combined at compile-time to be transformed into a single Publisher of a type that emits only a single boolean value (e.g., the enabled/disabled state of a "Submit" button). Effectively, it is not possible to even compile an app that incorrectly ignores one of the "Agree" checkmarks before enabling/disabling the "Submit" button.
> It's next to impossible to type check (...) memory corruption
Incorrect. Have a look at the Rust standard library. Sharing data across multiple treads requires passing a multi-threaded Mutex type; attempting to share data through a single-threaded Rc (reference-counted) type will not compile. Once the Mutex type is passed, each thread can only access the memory the Mutex type represents by acquiring another type, a MutexGuard, through locking. Effectively, it is not possible to even compile a program that incorrectly ignores multi-threading or incorrectly accesses memory in a race condition with other threads thus possibly corrupting that memory. Moreover, it is also not possible for a thread not to properly release a lock once the MutexGuard type goes out of scope.
> All the problems you talk about can be solved with more advanced proof based checkers.
Unlikely. Without feeding strong type information that describes your problem domain into a checker, the checker cannot reason about your code and figure out possible errors. A strong type system is a "language" for a programmer to communicate with his or her checker.
> You say it's paramount to move error detection to compile time. I say, this problem is ALREADY solved, but remains unused because these methods aren't PRACTICAL.
> [the C language] has type checking. Yet people still write unit tests for it. Why? Because type checking is mostly practically inconsequential.
Please do not hold it against me if I do not continue commenting here - you must be from a different, parallel Universe. (How is Elvis doin' on your end? ;) J/K)
>Incorrect. Have a look at the Swift OpenCombine library. Multiple Publishers of a particular type that emits a single boolean value
First off types can't emmit values. Types don't exist at run time. They're simply meta info for the compiler to run checks. Thus they can't emmit anything. Second if you're talking about something that emmits a value then it involves logic that doesn't have to do with UI. A UI is not about logic, it is simply a presentation given to the user, all logic is handled by things that AREN'T UI based.
UI would be like html and css. Can you type check html and css make sure the hackernews UI is correct? There is no definition of correctness in UI thus it can't be type checked. The example you're talking about is actually type checking the logic UNDERNEATH the UI.
>Effectively, it is not possible to even compile a program that incorrectly ignores multi-threading or incorrectly accesses memory in a race condition with other threads thus possibly corrupting that memory. Moreover, it is also not possible for a thread not to properly release a lock once the MutexGuard type goes out of scope.
This is different. It's not type checking memory corruption. It's preventing certain race conditions by restricting your code such that you can't create a race condition. There's a subtle difference here. You can violate Rusts constraints in C++ yet still have correct code. Type checking memory corruption would involve code that actually HAS a memory corruption, and some checker proving it has a memory violation. My statement still stands Memory corruption cannot be type checked.
Think about it. A memory corruption is an error because we interpret to be an error. Logically it's not an error. The code is doing what you told it to do. You can't check for an error that's interpreted.
At best you can only restrict your code such that ownership lives in a single thread and a single function which prevents certain race conditions. which is what rust does. This has a cost such that implementing doubly linked lists are a hugely over complicated in rust: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16442743. Safety at the cost of highly restricting the expressiveness of the language is very different from type checking. Type checking literally finds type errors in your code, borrow checking does NOT find memory corruption... it prevents certain corruption from happening that's about it.
>Unlikely. Without feeding strong type information that describes your problem domain into a checker, the checker cannot reason about your code and figure out possible errors. A strong type system is a "language" for a programmer to communicate with his or her checker.
No no, you're literally ignorant about this. There's a whole industry out there of automated proof checking of code via type theory and type systems and there's technology that enables this. It's just not mainstream. It's more obscure then haskell but it's very real.
It's only unlikely to you because you're completely ignorant about type theory. You're unaware of how "complex" that "language" can get. Dependent types is one example of how that "type language" can actually "type check" your entire program to be not just type correct but logically correct. Lean, Idris, Coq, Agda, literally are technologies that enable proof checking at the type level. It's not unlikely at all. it's reality.
>Please do not hold it against me if I do not continue commenting here - you must be from a different, parallel Universe. (How is Elvis doin' on your end? ;) J/K)
It's quick sort implemented in a language called idris. The implementation is long because not only is it just quick sort, the programmer is utilizing the type system to PROVE that quick sort actually does what it's suppose to do (sort ordinal values).
I'd appreciate an apology if you had any gall. But you likely won't "continue commenting here". Wow just wow. I am holding it against you 100%. I didn't realize how stupid and rude people can actually be.
"Typestates are a technique for moving properties of state (the dynamic information a program is processing) into the type level (the static world that the compiler can check ahead-of-time)."
> you're completely ignorant about type theory. (...) This is just fucking rude. (...) I didn't realize how stupid and rude people can actually be.
Yes, of course, naturally, you must be right, how blind could I have been?
> I'd appreciate an apology if you had any gall.
Sure, sorry about my little previous joke[1], meant no factual offense. The very best of luck to you as a programmer and a wonderfully polite human being with a great sense of humor.
[1] "Topper: I thought I saw Elvis. Block: Let it go, Topper. The King is gone. Let's head for home." ("Hot Shots!", 1991)
>Sure, sorry about my little previous joke[1], meant no factual offense. The very best of luck to you as a programmer and a wonderfully polite human being with a great sense of humor.
Jokes are supposed to be funny. Not offensive. Your intent was offense under the guise of humor. Common tactic. Anyone serious doesn't take well to the other party being sarcastic or joking, you know this, yet you still play games. It's a typical strategy to win the crowd by making someone overly serious look like a fool. But there is no crowd here, nobody is laughing. Just me and you.
So your real intent is just to piss me off given that you know nobody is here to laugh at your stupid joke. Your just a vile human being. Go ahead crack more jokes. Be more sarcastic, it just shows off your character. We're done.
> Your intent was offense (...) you still play games (...) a typical strategy to win the crowd (...) But there is no crowd here (...) your real intent is just to piss me off (...) Your just a vile human being (...) it just shows off your character
I assure you that I am not joking when I say the following: you are beginning to act in a disturbing manner at this point, please consider speaking to a mental health professional.
Again, sorry to have caused you discomfort with my little joke and best of luck to you.
Bro. If someone was truly disturbing and you truly wanted to help them wouldn't walk up to them and tell them to speak to a mental health professional. Telling them that is even more offensive. We both know this.
You're not joking. You're just being an even bigger ass, but now instead of jokes, you're feigning concern. It's stupid.
There's subtle motivations behind everything. A genuine apology comes without insulting the other party. Clearly you didn't do that here, and clearly you and everyone else knows what a genuine apology should NOT look like: "go get help with your mental problems, I'm really sorry."
It shows just what kind of person you are. It's not me who's disturbing... it's you, the person behind a mask.
Also clearly my words are from a place of anger and seriousness not mental issues. Mental problems are a very grave issue and it's a far bigger problem and the symptoms are far more extreme then what's happening here. But you know this. And you're trying to falsely re-frame the situation by disgustingly using mental issues as some kind of tool to discredit the other party. It's just vile.
I don't wish you the best of luck. I think someone like you doesn't deserve it.
Your argument makes no sense. I say the type checker is not the key differentiator then you say for python the key differentiator is the garbage collector.
So that makes your statement contradictory. You think type checkers are important but you think python works because of garbage collection.
Either way I'm not talking about the implementation of the language. I'm talking about the user interface. Why is one user interface better than the other?
I bet you if c++ has sane error messages and was able to deliver the exact location of seg faults nobody would be complaining about it as much. (There's an implementation cost to this but I am not talking about this)
Even an ugly ass language like golang is loved simply because the user interface is straight forward. You don't get non deterministic errors or unclear messages.
No contradiction, really, it's just that we are talking about two different programming goals: I emphasize the goal of producing well-behaved software (especially when it comes to large software systems), while you emphasize the goal of producing software in an easier (more productive) manner. For my goal, a strong type system is a key differentiator. For your goal, a garbage collector is a key differentiator. The discussion probably comes to down to the question of whether garbage-collected, weakly-typed Python is as "bug-prone" as memory-managed, strongly-typed C++. I have no significant experience with Python, so I cannot answer authoritatively, but I suspect your assumption that "100,000 lines of code of python tend to be safer and more manageable then 100,000 lines of C++" might be wrong. In a large codebase, there will probably be many more dynamic-typing error opportunities (after all, the correct type has to be used for every operation, every function call, every calculation, every concatenation, etc.) than memory-management error opportunities (the correct alloc/dealloc/size has to be used for every pointer to a memory chunk; but only if C++ smart pointers are not used).
>but I suspect your assumption that "100,000 lines of code of python tend to be safer and more manageable then 100,000 lines of C++" might be wrong.
I can give you my anecdotal experience on this aka "authoritative" in your words. I am a really really really good python engineer with over a decade of experience. For C++ I have 4 years of experience, I would say I'm just ok with it.
Python is indeed safer then C++. Basically when you check for type errors at runtime, you actually easily hit all reasonable use cases pretty quickly. This is why unit testing works in reality even though your only testing a fraction of the domain.
Sure this isn't a static proof but in Practical terms static type checking is only minimally better then run-time type checking. You can only see this once you have extensive experience with both languages and you see how trivial type errors are. Practicality of technologies isn't a property you can mathematically derive, it's something you get a feel for once you've programmed enough in the relevant technologies. It helps you answer the question of "How often and how easy do type errors occur uncaught by tests?" Not that much more often and not hard at all to debug.
The thing that is actually making C++ less usable are the errors outside of type checking. The memory leaks, the segfaults, etc. The GC basically makes memory leaks nearly impossible and python doesn't have segfaults period. What python does is fail fast and hard once you write something outside of memory bounds. Basically it has extra run time checks that aren't zero cost that make it much much more safe.
All of this being said, I am talking about type-less python above... when I write python, I am in actuality a type Nazi. I extensively use all available python type hints including building powerful compositional sum types to a far more creative extent then you can with C++. I am extremely familiar with types and python types. I have a very detailed viewpoint from both sides of the spectrum from both languages. That's why I feel I'm qualified to say this.
>No contradiction, really, it's just that we are talking about two different programming goals: I emphasize the goal of producing well-behaved software (especially when it comes to large software systems), while you emphasize the goal of producing software in an easier (more productive) manner.
I'm actually partly saying both. Python is both easier and more well-behaved and more safe. The "well-behaved" aspect has a causal relationship to "easier". It makes sense if you think about it. Python behaves as expected more so then C++.
Literally I repeat: Python (even without types) is categorically safer then C++. I have a total of 14 years of experience in both. I would say that's enough to form a realistic picture.
GC was one of the most important and relevant features (if not the most important) that allowed Java to penetrate, and eventually dominate the space where C++ used to be relevant in terms of middleware/business type applications. This detail matters a lot in this discussion. Then once that is taken as a given, you can compare different GC enabled languages based on other factors, such as type safety (or lack thereof in the case of python).
If it does matter to the conversation then it's evidence supporting my point. I'm saying type checking isn't a key differentiator between something like JS/ruby/python vs. C++. You're implying the GC is the key differentiator.
If you're saying that you CAN'T compare the python to C++ because of the GC then I disagree. GC only stops memory leaks. That is not the most frequent error that happens with C++. Clearly if you just subtract memory leak issues from C++ there's still a usability issue with just C++.
GC is not just for memory leaks, but memory safety in general. It also enables several paradigms that are extremely difficult to get right without memory safety.
In order to have a proper comparison, you should control for variables that are irrelevant to the experiment. In this case, you want to look at the effect of typing, so you should control for GC. Which is why you should compare python to other GC'd static languages, but not to static non-GC'd languages.
>GC is not just for memory leaks, but memory safety in general.
No this is not true. Memory safety and memory leaks are different concepts. You can trigger a memory leak without violating memory safety. In fact a memory leak is not really an error recognized by an interpreter or a compiler or a GC. It is a logic error. A memory leak is only a leak because you interpret it as a leak. Otherwise the code is literally doing what you told it to do. It's similar to a logic error. I mean think about it, the interpreter can't know whether you purposefully allocated 1gb of memory or whether you accidentally allocated it.
Memory safety on the other hand is protection against violation of certain runtime protocols. The interpreter or runtime knows something went wrong and immediately crashes the program. It is a provable violation of rules and it is actually not open to interpretation like the memory leak was.
See python: https://docs.python.org/3/library/gc.html. You can literally disable the GC (during runtime) and the only other additional crash error that becomes more frequent is OOM. The GC literally just does reference counting and generational garbage collection... that's it.
I can tell you what makes python MORE memory safe then C++. It's just an additional runtime checks that are not zero cost.
x = [1,2]
The above triggers an immediate exception that names the type of error (out of bounds) and the exact line that triggered it. This error will occur regardless of whether or not you disabled the GC. It happens because every index access to a list also checks against a stored length. If you're above that length it raises an exception. It's not zero cost but it's more safe.
For C++:
int x[] = {1,2};
This triggers nothing. It will run even though index 2 is beyond the bounds of the array. There is no runtime check because to do so would make the array data structure not zero cost. This is what happens during buffer overflows. It's one of the things that makes C++ a huge security problem.
Let's look at the type issue.
def head(input_list: List[int]) -> Optional[int]:
return input_list[0] if len(input_list) > 0 else None
x: int = head(2)
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
std::Optional<int> head(const std::vector<int>& input_list){
return (input_list.length() > 0) ? input_list[0] : std::nullopt;
int main(){
auto x = head(2)
return 0;
Both pieces of code are identical. Python is type annotated for readability (not type checked). But both literally produce the same error messages (wrong input type on the call to head). Both will tell you there's a type error. It's just python happens at runtime and C++ happens at compile time. C++ has a slight edge in the fact that the error is caught as a static check. But this is only a SLIGHT advantage. Hopefully this example will allow you to see what I'm talking about as both examples literally have practically the exact same outcome of a type error. A minority of bugs are exclusively caught with type checking because runtime still catches a huge portion of the same bugs... and in general this is why overall C++ is still MUCH worse in terms of usability then python despite type checking.
I don't think anyone is arguing that C++ is more difficult to use than Python, and much less safe. The question is how does python stack up to Java or C#? As you can see in this thread and many other discussions on this forum and elsewhere, people with experience working on larger systems will tell you that it doesn't.
If you had jobs in both stacks as I have you'll see that the differences are trivial. Python can get just as complex as either c# and java.
Those other people your copying your argument from likely only had jobs doing Java or C# and they did some python scripts on the side and came to their conclusions like that. I have extensive experience for production work in both and I can assure you my conclusions are much more nuanced.
Python and java stack up pretty similarly in my experience. There's no hard red flags that make either language a nightmare to use when compared to the other. People panic about runtime errors, but like I said those errors happen anyway.
Python does however have a slight edge in the fact that it promotes a more humane style of coding by not enforcing the oop style. Java programmers on the otherhand are herded into doing oop so you have all kinds of service objects with dependency injection and mutating state everywhere. So what happens is in Java you tend to get more complex code, while python code can be more straightforward as long as the programmer doesn't migrate their oop design patterns over to python.
That's the difference between the two in my personal experience. You're mostly likely thinking about types. My experience is that those types are not that important, but either way, modern python with external type checkers actually has a type system that is more powerful then Java or C#. So in modern times there is no argument. Python wins.
But prior to that new python type system my personal anecdotal experience is more relevant and accurate then other people's given my background in both Java and python And C++. Types aren't that important period. They are certainly better then no types but any practical contribution to safety is minimal.
Unfortunately, I have to completely disagree here, at least based on my experience. Shifting software error detection from runtime to compile time is absolutely paramount and, in the long run, worth any additional effort required to take advantage of a strong type system.
Firstly, writing unit tests that examine all the possible combinations and edge cases of software component input and state is... an art that requires enormous effort. (If you don't believe me, talk to the SQLite guys and gals, whose codebase is 5% product code and 95% unit test code.)
Secondly, writing automated UI tests that examine all the possible combinations and edge cases of UI event processing and UI state is... next to impossible. (If you don't believe me, talk to all the iOS XCUI guys and gals who had to invent entire dedicated Functional Reactive paradigms such as Combine and SwiftUI. ;) J/K)
Thirdly, I don't even want to get into the topic of writing tests for detecting advanced software problems such as memory corruption or multi-threaded race conditions. Almost nobody really seems to know how to write those truly effectively.
> So what was it that makes python easier to use then C++?
The Garbage Collector, which is side-stepping all the possible memory management problems possible with careless C++. However, a GC programming language probably cannot be the tool of choice for all the possible problem domains (e.g., resource-constrained environments such as embedded and serverless; high-performance environments such as operating systems, database internals, financial trading systems, etc.)