> Amtrak then has a whole schedule of fees they will charge you, from $4.09 per mile, overnight parking, fresh & wastewater servicing, transponder tags, and parking fees.
> For the less than 100 private cars in operation in America, why does Amtrak even offer this service?
Probably same situation as in Europe, they're legally mandated to give access to people and companies to their service under FRAND conditions. If you're interested, the fee tables are for nets and stations [0][1].
> For the less than 100 private cars in operation in America, why does Amtrak even offer this service?
Probably same situation as in Europe, they're legally mandated to give access to people and companies to their service under FRAND conditions. If you're interested, the fee tables are for nets and stations [0][1].
[0] https://www.deutschebahn.com/de/geschaefte/infrastruktur/bah...
[1] https://fahrweg.dbnetze.com/fahrweg-de/kunden/leistungen/tra...