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How the Nerves website has absolutely zero information about what it is, and only holds very vauge points of "Scalable", "Adaptable", "Secure".

Its not until you get to their documentation you can figure out what it is: "Nerves defines a new way to build embedded systems using Elixir. It is specifically designed for embedded systems, not desktop or server systems." Why is this not front and center?

Also to find a single code example, you need to look it up online, because its only in their github repo? https://github.com/nerves-project/nerves_examples

Why do so many websites nowadays just NOT tell you what they are attempting to sell you? Its so weird and frustrating.

Seeing that its open source... its not really trying to sell you anything, now is it? :)

also, the page says one thing.

    Nerves is the open-source platform and infrastructure you need to build, 
    deploy, and securely manage your fleet of IoT devices at speed and scale.
There's two CTA on the site.

- 1) GetStarted - 2) What is Nerves?

Both then proceed to tell you exactly what nerves is and funnel you to code examples, guides, and case studies.

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