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In the last months I identified a pattern in my media consumption. When there is a huge new issue (Covid, War on Ukraine, Fukushima…) I turn on the news. And yes, various big international reputable sources (NY Times, Wash Post, BBC, Reuters, Spiegel, Süddeutsche) plus the independent journalists I found over the years to be reliable and professional, usually in podcast format. Then I dive into it and try to get as good as an understanding as I can. Until there is a saturation point where it doesn’t help my everyday routine anymore. The question that I try to answer during that period is: Should I somehow change my behavior?

With Covid, it was figuring out how to navigate social situations. What are useful measures, which ones are useless? With the Ukraine it was, is my family in immediate danger? Is there something I can do to help from where I am at?

When I found an answer to these questions, I adjust my behavior and I turn the news off and only tune in occasionally to follow along and check if those answers are still valid or did something fundamentally change.

I normally read one of the big news papers here in Germany, die Zeit, to keep an eye on local and country wide politics. Usually I scan the headlines and then read one or two articles a week.

In addition to that I follow several journalistic podcasts that provide more detailed information and context on ongoing topics. They are typically a once a week overview. From the show notes, I jump to one or two long form articles if I want to know more about a certain topic.

From where I am at, there is nothing I can do to shape the course of the world at large, but I also don’t want to lose contact. But yes, I prefer to get a detailed breakdown afterwards than a live ticker.

There is also the regional events and decisions in my neighborhood and kids school to keep up with, which is where I feel it is my citizen’s responsibility to stay informed and ideally participate in the decision making process.

I am also trying to block out tech news that are not immediately relevant to my current work as that also easily distracts me.

The senders are all turned up to eleven and is up to the receiver to filter out the noise.

The book that had the biggest influence on how I consume media was Neil Postman‘s Amusing ourselves to death.


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