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> terabytes of XML or PBFs.

I have a snapshot of all of OSM for a given date (conveniently called planet-XXXXXX.osm.pbf) and the compressed version is 62GB. And the format is optimized for reading certain chunks (as well as updating with new data). Plus there are libraries that do the heavy lifting for you in little time at all.

The size is really not as big of an issue as you think it is.

The planet file is currently 120GB for the plaintext.


No one uses the plain text, though. Every tool I have used, uses the PBF. (I run a company built on OSM, so that's a lot of tools.)

I know. I was just saying that because the person before said the plaintext was "terabytes".

I use these tools. I've contributed to some. The size really is as big of an issue as I think it is

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