What is the distinction between Bezos vs. Ellison? They are both sociopathic jerks. In any case, more power to you, friend.
In my eyes, a rented server is a rented server regardless of which data center or network provider is behind it. It's not emotional, merely an optimization game.
Amazon/AWS is playing the long game, not raising prices (and even lowering them) even though many of their customers are thoroughly locked in; and of producing products that are pretty popular with users.
Most of their assholery is towards employees, suppliers, and competitors - rather than customers.
Oracle, on the other hand, has a reputation for extracting maximum money from locked-in customers; an aggressive legal team; and producing products like Oracle Financials which are widely hated by users.
Debatably, Amazon is focused on delivering a good product ("customer focused"). Oracle feels far more likely to "trick" you into a costly financial arrangement where you are offered a deal you cannot refuse.
I've found OCI to be roughly on par with AWS for compute and networking. I've had the free tier account and corresponding instances for more than 5 years now with zero issues.
With that said, it's generally good advice to not count or rely on anything free for important things.
Hence the motivation behind this story; Heroku used to be free and now it's evaporating away back into the ether.
My only goal here is to provide helpful information. Cheers.