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One of my favorite C-Span shows was The Prime Minister's Questions[0].

Don't mess with British politicians. Even the grumpiest old dogs can savage most American politicians, as the folks that tried roasting Galloway found out[1].

[0] https://www.c-span.org/series/?PrimeMinisterQue

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5u1skEoqLs

This always seemed to me like pure theater.

Have there ever been any serious consequences to anything anyone ever said during the Prime Minister's Questions?

Or are they (like every other politician the world over) just putting on a good show for the folks back home?

I suspect the latter. They are also putting on a show for each other.

Most of the stuff that actually happens, does so, in the shadows (for good or ill).

The beginning of WW2 comes to mind (see the 2017 movie : Churchill)

The serious consequences are that if you do especially badly like Truss did yesterday the voters get pissed and you have to resign.

She resigned because of what she said at Questions?

I think her performance at question shined a light on the incompetence of her administration, destroying her support and causing her to resign, yes.

No, her job was to guide the nation forward. She started by putting forward policies that were complete nonstarters including a tax break for the rich that stunk up the whole room something awful. Leaning this way or that is one thing, but getting the math completely wrong is another.

I have to commend you, the testimony is hilarious to watch and succors a distant memory of the "mission accomplished" era of our dear George W Bush. This show trial if anything was a teachable moment for a party which --at the time-- had grown quite comfortable crushing any and all dissent during the Iraq war.

the great irony here is that Galloway left an innocent man, only to watch the US casually endorse its private contractors as they bribe taliban warlords for safe passage in Afghanistan in 2010.

> as the folks that tried roasting Galloway found out

I don’t particularly like that guy, but my goodness he’s absolutely brilliant in that exchange.

That was when things were getting hyper-partisan (they still are).

There were a bunch of Democrats and liberals, that were saying "I wish Galloway could be President!"

I'm like ... no, you really wouldn't like that ...

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