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Thanks for this. I find articles like this super hard to read due to the mixing of the topic and all the "back ground".

It does sometimes feel like it's only there to bulk out the article.

One can hope that future AI autosummarizers can be aware of our personal level of knowledge!

Lazy writers and/or who get paid per word.

The writer can fix the article, or let every reader fix it in his mind.

Maybe just consider that the audience of the article is not you?

The article is not for technically minded people who would like a lucid explanation of the math behind the result? Because they're pretty clearly trying to hit that target, and frequent interruption of that kind of exposition works against it...

It could've easily been split up in different articles covering different aspects. It's not only lazy, but it doesn't account for what's going on in the world, where attention is super scarce.

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