By this definition, though, which does seem to be the one used by the article, both Flask and Sinatra are frameworks. Which I don't necessarily disagree with, but there are tons of people here in the comments arguing the opposite.
For that matter, it seems to me that CGI would be a framework in this sense - the high level control flow is that you are called by the web server, run, take input from environment variables, output an HTTP response, and exit. Not fundamentally different from "Django views take a request object as an argument, and return a response object, and are called by the framework". Just a matter of degree.
For that matter, it seems to me that CGI would be a framework in this sense - the high level control flow is that you are called by the web server, run, take input from environment variables, output an HTTP response, and exit. Not fundamentally different from "Django views take a request object as an argument, and return a response object, and are called by the framework". Just a matter of degree.