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This is true but horribly misleading, you don't need a permit/license to buy a gun because you're effectively granted one (which can be denied) at the time of sale. You still have to fill out 4473 and pass the NICS check. There's no point to issuing people permits/licenses because all the information that would be on it is checked on every sale.

A system where you could get a firearm license and only renew it every few years would be less strict than what we have now.

Except for the gun show exclusion and family transfers, yes? There are enough holes in the system that you can;'t reliably ask someone holding a gun to show you the permit they received at sale. All cars must be registered, so failure to show registration is a clear infraction.

There are major gaps in the system. People aren't always flagged, you can have someone else buy the gun or gift it to you, or you can just go to a gun show. Imagine if you didn't need a drivers license because you're driving your friends car.


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