Google continues to strike out with me in the swath of recent redesigns. I have become more turned off and turned away from Google services as a result, and actively seek alternatives to many services I was previously happy with. I readily admit that I am an outlier, and probably no longer part of Google's target audience.
Still, I wonder what level of navel gazing has led Google as a whole to consider some of these redesigns as improvements...though I did hear (rumor) from an acquaintance that many people's bonuses are directly tied to 'integrating google+ and new designs', so maybe that is the reason.
Take this query result for example:
Every single video title gets truncated, removing the most valuable piece of information (which part it is).
And a playlist:
Barely get a few characters to show what the videos are actually about.
And a channel:
You can't even hover over the titles to see the full video description here. You have to click on them, which stops your current video from playing.
Am I missing something? Does anybody know of an alternative Youtube interface (userscript, app, site, etc) that isn't so frustrating?