Yes, but you see, that wasn't a full outage because not all customers were affected. So therefor it doesn't count as downtime according to the SLA... :')
An availability of 99.9999% means a maximum of 31 seconds unavailable peryear. The usual "five nines" is 5 minutes, and that's a tough target for anyone.
Given that their outage was from April 4 to April 19 this year, they should reach their target availability on average at the earliest in the year 45222. If they keep perfect uptime in the meantime, that is.
lol. They just had a multiple week outage this year. No, they cannot claim this level of availability until around May 2023. This is marketing nonsense trying to cover their massive April mistake.
They just deleted a shit ton of customer data, and had to manually restore it. The system itself was still available if your data wasn't part of the deletion script.
Can you change the title too to something that doesn't seem like they are trying to mislead people? The real title is "Here’s how one of Atlassian’s critical services consistently gets above 99.9999% of availability"
>achieved this high availability by implementing highly-autonomous client sidecars, able to proactively shield themselves from complete AWS region failures.
* Atlassian: We estimate the rebuilding effort to last for up to 2 more weeks:
* Inside the longest Atlassian outage:
* Atlassian products have been down for 4 days
* Post-incident review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage