Thanks! We have a few users using docker-compose with a Makefile, where they run `depot build -t name:tag --load` to tag and pull the image locally, and then they reference the tag in their docker-compose.yml.
That works, but we've considered adding a `depot bake` command that does the same thing as `docker buildx bake`, to make the integration nicer. Ideally docker-compose would have the ability to communicate with buildx drivers (that's what Depot registers as), but to my knowledge it doesn't currently have that option.
imho having docker compose _build_ container images is an anti-pattern.
Always do what the parent says -- build/pull separately (not using compose), then arrange to fix up the tag/version specified in the compose file to match.
You're right, you can, it's just one more thing to think about.
I also had in mind Docker Desktop's licensing (paid-only for certain companies), but I now realize I was conflating that with Apple Silicon when it applies to Intel Macs too IIRC.
Does docker compose work with this?