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Not exactly Soviet but "We" fits well here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_(novel)

"We" is remarkable in that it describes lots of failure modes of the Bolshevik revolution before they happened.

And also remarkable in that Orwell described its plot as "rather weak and episodic" before cheerfully ripping it off in his most famous work...

That quote is very much taken out of the context...


Well, it was actually written after the revolution and the so-called "War communism" phase of the 1918-1921 Russia. To me it's more of a study on how the collectivist "paradise" would work after it works out its growing pains.

Things got ironed out quite a bit, the fifties and sixties were really good. Cuban Revolution, suddenly there was sugar in the kitchen. Big sugar rations! Increased rations! Then later increased even more! And while yes basically they were poor they were at least all equally poor, that is a much better outcome. They had privacy from Capitalism (weren't getting big data analytics extracted from them), and plus, Russians never made the big bucks off their expansion, never cashed in on it. Unlike everybody else ever.

Fifties and sixties weren't really collectivist (neither was any time except for the war communism of 1918-1921 for that matter). Individual citizens had private property.

Always always there's private property, always, like it is not about whether you own your own underwear it's more about who owns the means of production. And further I highly question sources I don't personally read in Russia, in Russian, because if you read it in English in Oceania you're reading what the defectors say. 100% pure defector speech. Why would a Russian Communist suck up to the West and write in American English? Or a Chilean Marxist, would he speak American English that ordinary Americans could read? How could that ever come about? There's tons of Chileans who are very talented and got offers to study or work in USA and they learned enough American to say "FUCK THAT SHIT!"

Why? Because they consider America the culprit of 9/11, you know 9/11, nine eleven, nine eleven. The 9/11 bombings. The 9/11 bombings and terrorism. The 9/11 bombings and terrorism that were commemorated 38 years later with similar direct deaths and highly monument-specific bombs, as a retaliation for 9/11. 3000 dead, 3000 dead, no children, no children, monument, monument, capital, capital, terrorism, terrorism. Nine eleven.

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