> Once upon a time I was homeless, and everything I owned needed to fit into a normal-size collegiate backpack, or I couldn't keep it.
> Fast-forward 20 years; retaining my packrat qualities,
Sorry, you're the opposite of a packrat. A packrat carries all the stuff it finds home.
Things currently deposited under our deck by a packrat: a flip flop, 4 fluffy dog toys, 2 treat bones, tennis ball, plastic bottle, foil wrapper, twigs, dog poop, pine needles, ...
> Fast-forward 20 years; retaining my packrat qualities,
Sorry, you're the opposite of a packrat. A packrat carries all the stuff it finds home.
Things currently deposited under our deck by a packrat: a flip flop, 4 fluffy dog toys, 2 treat bones, tennis ball, plastic bottle, foil wrapper, twigs, dog poop, pine needles, ...