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Free Book: Linux IP Stacks Commentary (satchell.net)
196 points by ohjeez on Sept 24, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

I like the idea but I am a little confused about the status of this project. Is it correct that there is not commentary, yet?

On two unrelated notes: I still remember the "Lions commentary on UNIX" that I bought in 1997 only because it was mentioned in the movie "Hackers". Being able to read through lots of pages of annotated source code was very entertaining. Besides its content, the book also stood out in my shelf (pun obviously intended) due to its unusual dimensions.

I also remember the kernel 2.0.36 mentioned on the page. For some reason, this was the last kernel version that I conciously was aware of. (I think I even used its release as an excuse to not attend a party. A fact, that some of my friends still remember today (I still consider this a rather good reason)).

I quite like this split-screen presentation of the book: https://warsus.github.io/lions-/

Thank you!

"Lions commentary on UNIX"

I suspect you are not talking about this lot: https://www.lionsrugby.com/ - The British and Irish Lions Rugby team. ... oh Mr Lions, sorry.

I kicked off on Linux with a book with a Yggdrasil CD on it around 1997 or 8 and the kernel was 1.something. egcs was all the rage then too.

At the moment this is just a smattering of socket programming and man pages available in full elsewhere.

Instructions on using the socket API is not kernel commentary.

I am disappoint.

Cannot find the link to the book in the link provided.

The link provided is the TOC of the book in website form; the “Article Sections”[1] and “Commentary Sections”[2] links lead to more conventional sub-TOCs (or are supposed to, they seem to be incomplete). It doesn’t look like there is a download.

[1] https://www.satchell.net/ipstacks/toc.html

[2] https://www.satchell.net/ipstacks/toc-commentary.html

Yeah, I was also confused by this. What kind of e-book can't be downloaded or viewed as some type of file? If we relax the definition of book to include this, how is a book different from a set of webpages?

The content looks good, but it's hard to find things when it's spread across so many individual pages.

The table of contents...?


In case OP gets around , Congratulations to you and your team for completing this comprehensive annotation.

CoriolisOpen Press’s Black Books was nice series, I am still looking for links for soft copies :-) Specially its linux code commentary, so if you or any one else has link please provide it.

That wasn't my project; it was Stephen Satchell's. (I've known him for 25+ years; good guy.)

I did edit one of the Coriolis "black books;" I cannot fathom that it's still useful, but I guess some copies are still around. https://amzn.to/3CeFwwM

More to the point, I'm good friends with Coriolis' Jeff Duntemann. He lives about a mile away from me, and comes to Thanksgiving dinner at my house. Coriolis was WONDERFUL to work with, as writer, editor, anything. Marvelous people. I miss that business.

Cool, but when is the commentary part going to be added?

When the software to build the web pages is finished, and I can create the markup to marry commentary with the code in the Git repository for the Linux kernel. This is a work in progress, not a finished product.

Please consider adding an RSS feed, it would help a lot to follow along as things get added.

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