I am unsure about training (access to, and performance at prestigious phd programs is easy even if you come from a third-tier undergrad), but I don't believe that professors at lower tier research institutes are necessarily less productive.
Probably the most productive synthetic biologist is one at Michigan state: John Frost... with a lab of about six, he's produced in microorganisms within the span of ten-ish years:
- rocket fuel precursor (butanetriol for BTTN), both stereoisomers
- BPA replacement
- precursor to tamiflu (shikimate)
- nylon-6 precursor (caprolactam)
And probably some others that I don't remember off the top of my head. More famous synthetic biologists have done less with labs of hundreds.
Probably the most productive synthetic biologist is one at Michigan state: John Frost... with a lab of about six, he's produced in microorganisms within the span of ten-ish years:
- rocket fuel precursor (butanetriol for BTTN), both stereoisomers
- BPA replacement (phloroglucinol)
- precursor to tamiflu (shikimate)
- nylon-6 precursor (caprolactam)
And probably some others that I don't remember off the top of my head. More famous synthetic biologists have done less with labs of hundreds.