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I am unsure about training (access to, and performance at prestigious phd programs is easy even if you come from a third-tier undergrad), but I don't believe that professors at lower tier research institutes are necessarily less productive.

Probably the most productive synthetic biologist is one at Michigan state: John Frost... with a lab of about six, he's produced in microorganisms within the span of ten-ish years:

- rocket fuel precursor (butanetriol for BTTN), both stereoisomers

- BPA replacement (phloroglucinol)

- precursor to tamiflu (shikimate)

- nylon-6 precursor (caprolactam)

And probably some others that I don't remember off the top of my head. More famous synthetic biologists have done less with labs of hundreds.

Michigan State is lower tier than the likes of Harvard maybe, but it's still a premier research institution by global standards.

I did not mean this as a dig against Michigan state by any means.

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