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I actually think that live, full body AI-generated realistic avatars (sometimes imitating celebrities to one degree or another) will become an everyday part of life for many people within the next 5-10 years.

I assume that full-on impersonation will still be illegal, but certain looks that are sometimes quite similar to a real celebrity will trend now and then.

The context for this is the continual improvement in the capabilities and comfort of VR/AR devices. The biggest one I think is going to be lightweight goggles and eventually glasses. But also the ability to stream realistic 3d scenes and people using AI compression (including erasing the goggles or glasses if desired) could make the concept of going to a physical place for an event or even looking exactly like yourself feel somewhat quaint.

Nobody seems to realize, the value is in inserting ordinary people into media with celebrities! Perfect for brand name advertising, you with a celebrity telling you how smart you are for using they brand they pitch.

I formally built an ad agency with a feature film VFX pipeline for actor replacement advertising - but I built it back in '08, years before "deep fakes" and nobody believed what I had working was possible.

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