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macOS Subsystem for Linux (github.com/macbian-linux)
253 points by dzdt on Sept 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 92 comments

Because we’re not saying it often enough: Kudos to the author for going out of their way and writing meticulously detailed step-by-step instructions.

That README shows a great deal of appreciation for other people’s time, which should be commended.

Once upon a time these were usually posts on one own blog (self-hosted or not), started with a HOWTO keyword and helped the people just in the same way. Nowadays everything developer must be on GitHub or it won't ever be noticed.

/Old man yells at clouds

There's probably something to be said for the easy of editing a markdown file and pushing it to github, versus using some crummy blog platform.

In addition to the fact that folks can submit a PR (or fork) to update the instructions if something goes out of date.

I host my blog using GitHub pages and hugo. Its all still markdown, but it also allows people to go to my vanity url and see stuff formatted exactly as I want it to be.

It is an improvement. Having documentation include with source code means that they can updated together and is less likely to be out of date.

Provided, of course, they don't use the github wiki stuff or use separate repos for documentation.

I read "This is an S, the letter, not a 5." and smiled... aaahhh, someone who's been deep in the trenches. ;-)

I personally like these detailed step by step readmes. It’s helpful for someone clueless dropping in to get quickly started and develop a working prototype. Too many times you’re left to your own devices when setting up dependencies. I totally understand if you’re expected to do some homework. On another hand, it certainly helps to gently guide the reader versus give them a high level request to install this or that.

The problem with each of these tools (Lima etc.) is that it’s still fundamentally a virtual machine under the covers.

The great thing for me about WSL (and why IMHO it was worth all the effort they put into it), is that because the kernel process tree is running as a native Windows process tree, I don’t have to pre-allocate memory ahead of time.

This is murder on Apple’s RAM-restricted laptops, and kind of rubbish on machines with massive RAM too. Most of the time, most of your memory goes unused. The base model Airs/Pros for example need to have 25-50% of your RAM locked away just to run a Linux container at all - when you already have a fairly anaemic 8GB to begin with that’s pretty dire.

It's a shame they essentially deprecated WSL1 and is doing everything in WSL2 now, where exactly this kind of memory allocation and the performance issues that entails is an issue.

Not that I think it's a bad decision, but I wish they somehow managed to break Conway's Law and enhance Windows itself by fixing the file system speed issues as well as somehow making NT/Windows processes fork instantaneously just like on Linux :)

We work very closely across the file system, kernel, and virtualization teams, so I don’t think we can blame Conway’s Law for WSL2. And actually our WSL1 fork performance wasn’t too bad IIRC—we have real fork at the Windows kernel level, it’s just not something that can realistically work with the Win32 programming model. I also think we will eventually resolve the file system performance issues.

No, the most important reason to choose a VM instead of a reimplementation of the Linux ABI is long tail compatibility. You can’t realistically replicate and then keep up with every corner of the Linux kernel’s interface. And so with WSL1, software will randomly not work, or it will randomly break after an apt upgrade, and users will get frustrated and switch to a VM anyway. Might as well get perfect compatibility and still have nice integration with Windows via the WSL2 approach.

I think most people understand why the WSL2 approach eventually won out, and its saved my bacon more times than I can count when I had to demo something and it breaks on my Mac only for me to quickly switch to "real" linux on my personal windows machine running WSL2.

However, with WSL1, implementing the Linux ABI was such a wicked flex.

> when I had to demo something and it breaks on my Mac only for me to quickly switch to "real" linux on my personal windows machine running WSL2.

How's that any different than running a virtual machine on your Mac with a real Linux in it?

Seamless mounting, launching code editors in Windows from Linux, issuing docker commands in the Linux OS while the docker engine and its mounts are hosted on Windows.

Doing things with something like Vagrant on Mac sometimes cuts it, sometimes doesn't. Either way, if I'm not shelling out money I could be stuck using a subpar solution like VirtualBox.

Seconding that. WSL1 is an impressive achievement. I use WSL every day and switched to WSL2 a long while back but I still kinda wish WSL1 were the way forward.

Thanks for the detailed explanation! You folks have actually tried to implement an ABI compatible Linux kernel, so I'll definitely take your word for it :)

WSL2 is better. I'll take correctness over a slight loss in performance.

Also Linux is very fast. So it's not like there is a huge performance loss in most cases, I am guessing.

You can’t realistically replicate and then keep up with every corner of the Linux kernel’s interface

Didn't Linus famously say they'll "never break userspace"?

Yes. But user space can take dependencies on features we didn’t implement yet or we implemented incorrectly or that have bugs in combinations with other features. E.g., more software is starting to depend on namespace features that we implemented incompletely in earlier versions of WSL1. So Docker worked for a while until they starting using a different subset of kernel features, for example.

At another point, glibc started depending on more precise behavior of CLONE_VFORK, which we originally didn’t implement fully. So essentially all of user space was broken. We fixed it as soon as we could, but I think glibc may have added a workaround, too. I feel bad that the community had to work around our bugs.

New syscalls and flags get added. The Linux ABI is huge though, even if you snapshot at some “old” 4.x version, say. WINE has similar problems with coverage, and Win32 is famously “stable” too.

> No, the most important reason to choose a VM instead of a reimplementation of the Linux ABI is long tail compatibility. You can’t realistically replicate and then keep up with every corner of the Linux kernel’s interface.

As far as we the public know, Google Cloud Run is based on gVisor, which emulates Linux system calls with userspace code. Seems to work great for the usual container workloads.

Doesnt ReFS do exactly that? I have been surprised they do not try to push it more - the fact it cannot (or maybe it can now but in the past it could not) be used for a boot drive seemed strange.

Their explanation was that Windows could not be enhanced but rather should be slimmed down - the APIs that the NT kernel provides can't be efficiently worked around without breaking all kinds of already existing Windows software.

The other commenter alluded to this but didn’t say it outright: WSL2 is essentially just a special VM with API based limited hardware access. It’s neat though, the file systems are connected over 9p.

It is - but its speciality is exactly what matters most - it doesn't preallocate RAM and in fact can dynamically release it back to the host without any user intervention. It's super convenient.

To this day I wish they'd release decent (i.e. well documented) APIs for creating VMs like this yourself with Hyper-V. I sometimes have to spin a bunch of Windows VMs for testing, and if they could dynamically release RAM and CPU when they aren't using it it would be amazing. They have something like it with Windows Sandbox but you can only spin one at a time.

Hyper-V does support memory ballooning (dynamic memory allocation from host to VM) - is that what you mean, or do I misunderstand?

This does need support in the guest VM, but I've only ever had issues with really old Linux distros.

My comment was really kind of inaccurate, the difference isn't the memory ballooning, it's the special way WSL2 is able to interact with the host. It frees memory much better than normal Hyper-V VMs, and boots way faster than a regular Ubuntu VM.

Microsoft implemented a Firecracker style microVM (they call it "Krypton") for Hyper-V, which is used for WSL2, Edge Application Guard (run Edge in a VM), and Windows Sandbox. There aren't any real good docs on how to create one yourself using the Host Compute Service.

To add to this a little bit. There is deeper host side integration for these applications and the VM’s are virtual address backed (the guest vm’s memory is represented as a process on the host), which adds more opportunities to free up physical memory. The windows sandbox architecture page covers some of this.


Also WSL2, if I recall correctly, has a relatively minimal base OS with a custom init binary.

I would say if you’re looking to use Host Compute Service, your best option would be to look at the way https://github.com/microsoft/hcsshim initializes containers.

That makes sense, thanks for explaining!

There are PowerShell functions for creating VM’s.

That's not what OP meant. OP meant interfacing with Hyper-V from inside the VM.

Things like dynamic memory allocation and release aren't some kind of black magic, but are something that is actually directly communicated by the guest VM.

That's been a feature of existing VM software for years.

The great thing for me about WSL (and why IMHO it was worth all the effort they put into it), is that because the kernel process tree is running as a native Windows process tree, I don’t have to pre-allocate memory ahead of time.

CoLinux did that years before WSL1 did. Sadly, the project is dead and AFAIK it never really worked on Windows 64-bit, only on 32-bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_Linux

You are right and it can definitely be improved, however at all my jobs I’ve had 32-64gb MacBooks, is that not true for most developers? When I didn’t i was able to buy an actual Linux laptop

Depends on the company and developer I suppose.

Web dev here, ran with 16 up until recently… now at a whopping 24…

No memory pressure.

Nope, most contractors get issued a laptop with 8GB unless their project is doing anything container related, in which case they get a 16GB one.

Assuming that they just don't get a cloud VM accessed via Citrix/RDP.

I thought it was "macOS subsystem, for Linux" and got excited before realising it's the other way around.

What do Mac users get out of this? I thought most Linux things work reasonably well already

FQA's got this covered:


> Q: Why the same naming scheme as WSL?

> A: It's a proof of concept name only. If I were to distribute this as a finished piece of software, which I probably won't (see why below) I would choose a different name.

> Q: Isn't this literally just a QEMU virtual machine? How simple is that!

> A: Yes, it is. And yes, it's simple. Why did I choose to put this on my Twitter, you ask? Because I couldn't find something exactly like what I did, and because before I posted it, I had 50 Twitter followers, total. I did not expect to get the over 700 likes that it did when I posted it; as a matter of fact, I would have been perfectly satisfied if it had gotten 7 likes.

> Q: What, you won't be distributing this as a finished piece of software!? Why?

> A: From what I can tell (and admittedly, I haven't tested this piece of software), it already exists. Lima seems to have a lot more features (such as file sharing, something that I have not implemented) and seems to be geared towards a different application (containers).

I love "FQA", as in "Frequently Questioned Answers" :)

For at least the last year I’ve ran my entire dev environment out of a Linux VM I ssh into (locally).

The primary factors are:

1. I, overall, like macOS and the Apple ecosystem. I heavily use Notes, my calendar, several apps I like to sync from my iPad and phone, etc. I'm pretty bought-in, and macOS helps me manage the non-developer stuff a lot easier, in my opinion.

2. Enough things have broken, over time, from macOS updates that my developer experience is subpar compared to a Linux OS.

3. A Linux VM gives me 100% reproducibility, so little delay that I would argue to say there is no delay, and I can reliably use the rest of my MacBook for all the other apps I care about.

It’s worked great, and I’ve never felt like it’s complicated.

Edit: Some people might mention Docker. I've run into just-enough networking issues with Docker that the full VM was worth running.

Running 32-bit apps, for example.

I sometimes code in assembly for fun (my professional work is mobile app developer, though). One of my favorite assemblers is FASM: https://flatassembler.net/

It's still written in 32-bit assembly, which means it won't run on any macOS since Catalina. On the other side, Linux still provide 32-bit compatibility mode.

The other way around would be https://github.com/darlinghq/darling

In an ideal world, we wouldn't need to be bothered with Linux-only software. It's incredibly frustrating not only on Mac, but e.g. on OpenBSD as well.

Docker (and Kubernetes) are a prime example, but it's increasingly bothersome to work around dependencies on systemd, logind, etc. Linux software is starting to feel like Windows software: it's this special other thing that requires extra steps and care to run on your machine, and the user experience is far from smooth, if things work at all.

Also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31842318

Is there a Linux Subsystem for MacOS?

I know about Darling [1] but don't know about how practical it can be because I'm assuming all proprietary frameworks like the core web framework aren't implemented there.

[1] https://github.com/darlinghq/darling

This is also achieved through:

1) https://github.com/lima-vm/lima 2) https://github.com/beringresearch/macpine

With a nice CLI included.

Multipass is an option for Ubuntu on MacOS


Multipass is somewhat limited, but what it does it does really well.

It is supported in Linux, Windows and osx. This means that you can have identical development environment across all your devices using a shared VM script

I came here to say this.

Multipass is a solid tool.


I’ve been using Multipass for a couple years now as my “WSL for Mac”. It’s great to be able to spin up a Linux guest on demand. I also use it for Docker shenanigans so I don’t need Docker Desktop or deal with its licensing issues.

I start a small Minikube instance and then hook its Docker daemon back to my Mac terminal.

Either way is absurd, tbh, but here we are.

Nice one! multipass looks interesting.

Anyone else reading the title as the reverse of what it actually is?

I thought it's something for running (some parts of) MacOS on Linux. Not the other way round.

Yes. It's using the same naming as WSL which always confused me:

  Q: Why the same naming scheme as WSL?
  A: It's a proof of concept name only. 
     If I were to distribute this as a finished piece of
     software, which I probably won't (see why below) I would  
     choose a different name.

It's not confusing once you know where it came from. The NT kernel has a concept called “environment subsystems”. Win32 was, until WSL1, the only one used (a long time ago there was SFU, the grandfather of WSL). So WSL is a Windows subsystem made for Linux. Hence the name.

Note that WSL2 isn't an NT subsystem, they're just using an actual kernel now. The name stuck though.

The original NT subsystems were for OS/2, POSIX, and Win32 and were called simply the "OS/2 Subsystem", "POSIX Subsystem", and "Win32 Subsystem". If they had stuck with the sensible NT naming convention, WLS would have simply been the Linux Subsystem.

Fair point. I was just arguing that it technically makes sense.

The naming thing kind of started with SFU though.

Yeah well, I'm not familiar with their naming scheme, I've managed to mostly ignore Windows in the past 10+ years. Except that legacy vb.net project... sigh, the things I'll do for money.

Same here. But it does follow WSL naming.

Oh, no, not more of this backwards mis-naming illogic. It's bad enough that MS abuses us with such idiocy, we don't have to copy it.

At least Microsoft is internally consistent for once and and naming it after an older similar project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Services_for_UNIX

Based on Microsoft’s ability to plan and manage product naming I think you stumbled on a coincidence there rather than actual intent.

I think the concept of "sub system" is quite integral to the NT kernel. Might have been easier if they had stolen the name from user-mode linux - which might be more suitable for wsl2 in some ways... But that was/is a quite different type of project:


See "Win32 environment subsystem" and "OS/2 environment subsystem" here:


Then there was coLinux: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_Linux

Maybe they should've called it LINE (after WINE)....

Yes fair point.

However WSL2 is just a heavily disguised Hyper-V virtual machine with lots of weirdness around it rather than a proper NT subsystem.

They could change the documentation they used for WSL 1, and make people even more confused.

I too was scratching my head as to why anyone would ever want to run a macOS terminal from within linux.

I've wanted to do it. Mostly to test out stuff that my colleagues would need to run but haven't been able because I run Linux. So I usually have to ask colleagues to double check my work.

I am aware that running macOS on non-Apple hardwade would be against their ToS.

For running xcode and building ios apps in a ci pipeline? Eg with darling[1] and godot: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.6/development/compiling/cr...

[1] https://www.darlinghq.org/

I'd love to have a simple way to compile stuff for macOS from Linux.

You kid, but I often wish I could run iTerm on my Linux workstations.

I've switched from iTerm2 to Alacritty. It requires a different config per OS, but it works cross-platform. I combine it with tmux.

I suspect you can get rid of all the post-install steps by just installing it over a serial console in the first place (`-nographic` might even make it all automatic, I dunno). See f.e. https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch05s03.en.html https://teklager.se/en/knowledge-base/installing-debian-over...

Exactly, and there's a binfmt-like autoloader for that: https://github.com/georghe-crihan/imgact_linux

You can just use Vagrant for this kind of setup. The benefit of that is you can provision so it is able to run your application and you're able to commit it to git and share it with others. Pretty sure it will have a qemu adapter too if you so choose.

  brew install vagrant packer terraform
Podman Desktop is Apache 2.0 open source; supports Win, Mac, Lin; supports Docker Desktop plugins; and has plugins for Podman, Docker, Lima, and CRC/OpenShift Local (k8s) https://github.com/containers/podman-desktop :

  brew install podman-desktop
/? vagrant Kubernetes MacOS https://www.google.com/search?q=vagrant+Kubernetes+macos

You get all that put together one time on one box and realize you could have scripted the whole thing, but you need bash 4+ or Python 3+ so it all depends on `brew` first: https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-for-kubernetes/blob/m...

The Ansible homebrew module can install and upgrade brew and install and upgrade packages with brew: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/communit...

And then write tests for the development environment too, or only for container specs in production: https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-for-kubernetes/tree/m... :

  brew install kind docker 

  type -a python3; python3 -m site
  python3 -m pip install molecule ansible-test yamllint

  # molecule converge; ssh -- hostname

  molecule test

  # molecule destroy
westurner/dotfiles/scripts/upgrade_mac.sh: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/develop/scripts/u...

Perhaps not that OT, but FWIW I just explained exactly this in a tweet:

> Mambaforge-pypy3 for Linux, OSX, Windows installs from conda-forge by default. (@condaforge builds packages with CI for you without having to install local xcode IIRC)

  conda install -c conda-forge -y nodejs
  mamba install -y nodejs

Ha: I appreciate having to give it the stupid backwards name because that's what MS did, but unfortunately it's still a stupid backwards name.

This is a qemu tutorial with a flashy name.

You probably want Lima anyway

Q: What, you won't be distributing this as a finished piece of software!? Why?

A: From what I can tell (and admittedly, I haven't tested this piece of software), it already exists. Lima seems to have a lot more features (such as file sharing, something that I have not implemented) and seems to be geared towards a different application (containers).

What makes this better than Lima?

Not that I'm trying to discourage anything here, building things is cool.

I use Xhyve to spawn a Linux VM on Mac. For what I need it works well, so I haven't looked for alternatives. How that compares to Qemu?

It's a poorly chosen name, same as in "Windows subsystem for Linux".

It should be called Linux subsystem for macOS if they really need such kind of combination.

Here's a relevant comment from a Microsoft product manager[1]:

> Because we cannot name something leading with a trademark owned by someone else.

> It's pretty much the same reason why you can't launch a commercial product called "Apple <product-name>" unless you're Apple. Or "Adobe <product-name>" unless you're Adobe. Or ... well ... you get the idea ;)

[1] https://twitter.com/richturn_ms/status/1245481405947076610

Good news, the page literally addresses that. Just because it made HN doesn't mean it's a real thing: this is barely a proof of concept, it doesn't need a good name =)

I just don’t see why this is needed.

Almost everything on Linux has a homebrew version available.

Perhaps it could be helpful for pure development needs. I guess.

It will be a while before we're able to have decent support. This is an interesting initiative to follow: https://macoscontainers.org/

Might be even easier to provide (hopefully trustworthy and safe) `msl.qcow2` Debian images with the installation and `GRUB` modifications already done?

Is there a call for MSL, seeing that MacOS is based on BSD UNIX? Wouldn't there be a lot of redundancy in having both?

My personal favorite on the page:

“ Q: You're an idiot.

  A: Very true, but that's not a question.


This should be called linux subsystem for macOS not the other way aroud.

Why reuse the horrible name microsoft uses to describe using a VM?

I'm loosing hope for anything tech related these days, just bad and concerning

The WSL naming is terrible and stems from a time where Microsoft was an evil monopoly empire, and used all kind of doublespeak regarding Linux, GPL, etc (see Halloween documents). The name stems from its predecessor, Windows Services For Unix (SFU) [1]. Its bad enough Microsoft kept using the doublespeak naming scheme, please don't copy it.

What this is, is Linux compatibility layer (running on MacOS). BSDs have (or used to have) such as well, at least FreeBSD used to.

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Services_for_UNIX

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