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This suggests that it's worthwhile to educate the young in not just doing the same things with computers that everybody knows how to do (Office-style and web browsing) but inculcating habits (versioning, say) which will make life much easier in the long run.

This, however, would make the education system not agnostic, and drastically favor some companies.

> This, however, would make the education system not agnostic, and drastically favor some companies.

Why? Perhaps you mean that there is versioning software, like git, that is so prevalent that it may be regarded as having dominated the ecosystem, so that that's what we have to teach; but that seems no different from teaching Java or, for an even more extreme example, the RSA cryptosystem.

(I know that there are objections to teaching Java, but I've never heard—which is not to say it doesn't exist!—the complaint that it favours Oracle.)

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