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Since 2012 the situation has changed quite a bit. Adoption has increased massively. It's just doing it so slowly you aren't noticing it's happening.

Not to mention the adoption possibly going on behind the scenes.

Seems to me like adoption has gone backwards in some regards. Look at companies like Steam which at one point were accepting bitcoin but then pulled the plug on it. I also don't know anyone that owns crypto for any reason other than as an investment.

> Adoption has increased massively.

Adoption? More like, speculation. I still don't know anyone who's doing any real world transactions with crypto, but I know people who hold it for speculation purposes.

>Adoption has increased massively.

Adoption has mostly increased thanks to centralization, via exchanges, which seems antithetical to Bitcoin's foundation. What's the number one use case? Speculation and scams.

I'm not sure it's going in the right direction.

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