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Emphasis on you can’t find any uses

and other people’s use cases aren't legitimate to you

We’re past the point of playing with people’s goal posts

You could just list some great use cases that are happening right now, that'd be a very compelling argument.

Typically you, the person replied to, or someone else is simply primed to debate the use cases, in a classic dropbox-style moment about how some other combination of technologies nobody wants could do it, as opposed to diving into the technology itself and the opportunities presented by the platform

For them its a quagmire because they cant find a reason to justify any time or mindshare on the technology, and are simply using any discussion to rationalize not doing that

Its just past the point where they're relevant or the concept needs to be defended at all, its just not new or fragile enough anymore. Even politicians can debate nuanced aspects of 1 out of 100 use cases.

And then there’s the reality that speculation is a use case, so obvious yet somehow so unacceptable to technology savants, as if the entire financial services industry doesn't exist with its own niche technology to facilitate it

And then it derails into a relative utility argument, when someone points out the irony that nearly everyone here is working for a democracy destabilizing advertising conglomerate and getting paid in lottery tickets

So, I interpreted your comment as "No, there's no use cases currently identified that couldn't be done far more effectively without a blockchain, and well, that's a fair point".

Here's the thing - I work with Kafka a lot. It's a complex piece of technology, people using it incur real costs, both financially and in terms of system complexity. But it's great for some use cases. And terrible for others. You could use it to replace RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ etc., but that would generally be a bad idea, a distributed log isn't a message queue.

However, it has use cases where it shines.

If you were to ask me about the use cases where Kafka is genuinely better than other technologies, I can easily provide them.

I wouldn't say "Well, you've really got to dive into the technology itself and the opportunities presented by the platform". I'd just give you actual use cases where a distributed log is superior to other technologies.

So, should be easy to do that for Web3 stuff right?

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