I have different reading lists on hacker news, twitter, reddit and medium and because of this I never read anything that I don’t read directly… If you need to share between them you need some convenient app for your phone and computer.
It might not be the perfect solution for your case but for me it works:
I'm just using my email inbox as my reading list. I always forgot the things I bookmarked on Twitter so I built a side project to just send me my Twitter bookmarks to my email inbox once a week so I can sit down and go through them.
I've been happily using Instapaper for this for many years. I add interesting articles to it from all over and then read and highlight in the app/web app right away or later. If I read an article directly, I still tend to add it to Instapaper to keep track of it, espesially if I found it interesting.
Yes, I'm happy with the flow. In Firefox I have a button that adds the article with one click, and in Safari on iOS it's two clicks; share -> instapaper.