I see you use Signal for short time, I used that POS for years, asking for years when I can send more than one photo at time and they just fixed it recently, before you could select only one photo at the time. When I stopped using it the mssage delivery was extremely unreliable when you switch between WiFi and mobile network, Whatsapp send message within seconds, Signal needs minutes/hours to realize network changed to send it properly. There was major downtime because their US admin slept overnight so people in Europe could forget for hours about sending messages. Last drop was requiring PIN to use app with nagging prompt taking 1/3 or even full screen making app without PIN unusable, until they backpedalled on this nonsense. But it was already too late, uninstalled that user hostile POS from phones of my (extended) family where we used it.
If 2 years is a short time, that's fine by me. All I can say is that I've never had any of the issues you describe.
I appreciate the monthly reminder for your PIN- without it, I probably would have forgotten about it! And it doesn't stop you from using the app, it's just a little blurb at the bottom.
it did stop you, it took 1/3 to whole screen and you could not use the app without creating one, they only abandon that retarded area when users like me left, so good luck encouraging me to use this POS app
yes, 2 years is short time especially since it's just recent 2 years, I don't think there is even one app in my phone which I would be using just 2 years (besides 2 games)