No native compilation to WASM yet, but since the compiler outputs self-contained C, it should be fairly easy to do it with Emscripten.
The sandbox is running the code server-side in a nsjail container.
As for unwrap, I feel you! the try expression (expr?) is supported, which makes it look a bit nicer, but I'm still trying to figure out a good idiom for when you actually want to do specific things based on whether the result is ok or err.
Alumina does not have Rust-style enums (tagged unions) or the match construct, which makes it a bit tricky.
The sandbox is running the code server-side in a nsjail container.
As for unwrap, I feel you! the try expression (expr?) is supported, which makes it look a bit nicer, but I'm still trying to figure out a good idiom for when you actually want to do specific things based on whether the result is ok or err.
Alumina does not have Rust-style enums (tagged unions) or the match construct, which makes it a bit tricky.