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My approach with Code Hike (https://codehike.org/) was to add a sponsor-wall to some parts of the docs, not sure if it falls under any of those categories. It's working decently well ($600 per month).

> https://codehike.org/demo/scrollycoding-preview

> The code of this demo is hidden until it reaches five sponsors.

> Become a sponsor for $9 a month to have full acces to all demos:

Maybe I misunderstand, but I could either pay $9/month and would be able to access it directly, or I wait until you get 5 more sponsors (for that specific page) and then I'll be able to access the content for free, like everyone else?

So if I end up sponsoring the page to view it, I could end up being the fifth sponsor, unlocking the page for everyone and ultimately spent the money for content that now everyone can view too?

that's right

yeah, whats wrong with that?

Probably would get much better results if it said "$50 bounty for this demo" or whatever, and collected pledges of any amount, instead of hoping for exactly 5 whales to show up.

And making a subscription makes the value prop even more confusing.

Seems like an own-goal.

That's quite an interesting approach. And congratulations on getting Meta to sponsor your project. Even if they are only giving you $9/month it must still feel like quite the validation.

Thanks. Meta made a generous one-time donation via Open Collective https://opencollective.com/codehike

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