And much more important to the discussion: The models Einstein produced matched existing reality, and also made predictions. Those predictions where eventually tested by other scientists with new experiments that matched Einstein's model's predictions, so the outcome of those experiments are now evidence that those models are correct.
This paper has a model, that hopefully and presumably, accurately describes real world phenomena, and it has been interrogated to produce a new prediction. Now someone has to devise an experiment to verify or reject this new prediction.
Until that experiment is run, and the results found, we have no new information about how water behaves. All we have is a new way to verify or reject this model. If a later experiment confirms what this model predicted, then we will know something new about the world, and these simulations will be trustable in a new domain.
This paper has a model, that hopefully and presumably, accurately describes real world phenomena, and it has been interrogated to produce a new prediction. Now someone has to devise an experiment to verify or reject this new prediction. Until that experiment is run, and the results found, we have no new information about how water behaves. All we have is a new way to verify or reject this model. If a later experiment confirms what this model predicted, then we will know something new about the world, and these simulations will be trustable in a new domain.