As someone who keeps an ideas file as well as files for quotations, new words I learned, and Hacker News submissions I didn't have time to read, I think it's freeing for my mind but I find that I never go back to review them. I found it surprising that the OP has the discipline to set aside time once a month to go back and review his file.
> I think it's freeing for my mind but I find that I never go back to review them.
I've been thinking about using spaced repetition for this. Ideas could just be dropped in spaced repetition software as a flashcard for you to be reminded of later when you review your daily flashcards. You can respond to seeing the flashcard in four ways:
1. The idea looks stupid now, delete it.
2. I still find the idea interesting, remind me soon/prioritize it.
3. I find the idea less interesting right now, wait a long time before reminding me again/deprioritize it.