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I actually find Twitter’s mobile web app experience to be pretty good–they don’t nag me to install the app every 5 seconds, it’s reasonably performant, the back button works properly and even mostly preserves scroll position. All of the core functionality is there, except new features like Fleets I don’t care about anyway. I use it regularly and have been pretty impressed.

Reddit on the other hand is absolutely hostile and basically none of what I said above is true of their mobile web UI. I refuse to install their app simply out of spite for how aggressively they nag for me to use it. I’ve said no like 500 times at this point, will I change my mind on the 501st prompt?

I all I ever see when following Twitter links on mobile is the lower 1/3 of the screen with a "it's better in the app" banner bullshit. What web app from Twitter are you seeing that doesn't have that?

I have the same experience. When I want to access twitter I use https://nitter.net/<twitterhandle>

Thank you!! I was unsuccessfully searching for something like this. Btw I also see a full screen, not closable login nag when scrolling down a few tweets. The solutions is to tap on login and close the dialog on the following screen. I won‘t make an account, twitter. Shut me out completely and I‘ll be gone, just like with reddit.

Happy to pay it forward. It was in a similar thread a few months ago that I found it.

Its significantly less hostile if you use it as an web app, logged in. Even presents a PWA that is basically indistinguishable from the Twitter-Lite app served to data starved localities in Google Play.

Yeah, maybe, but A) I don't have a Twitter account and B) when following a link from some news aggregator showing a "news" story that is nothing but a string of Twitter posts, the user won't be logged in then either.

Have you tried using the website without logging in? Basically impossible.

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