Supabase has more than just solid positioning -- I don't see how they don't put almost every postgres-as-a-service company out of business and also remove the need for frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Django, etc. They're basically solving an absolutely massive pain point for developers. This group deals in enterprise grade postgres only. Why would someone even consider replacing them with Supabase?
The main problem with adoption, I suspect, is that their self-hosting story is not great and their per-app pricing is not that friendly beyond a handful of apps. Might be one of the reasons their growth is no longer accelerating. They seem more focused on adding product lines than in making one really great.
Also, their main interfaces are "click buttons in a UI" or "write SQL". Why is this something a Rails, Django, or devs who code should consider changing too?
People might consider switching to supabase to get the real-time engine, the integrated auth, and the automatic REST API. They won’t lose any capability to write Rails/Django/whatever, but they’ll just have to do a lot less of it.
The problem, as others have pointed out, is that they are not being original and the fun is gone. How many times is a standup bit funny? Is the majority of content just posting memes? Do you have any technical content which doesn't throw a bunch of memes in for the imagery?
It's not that I don't enjoy memes, the Ukraine Meme Force is making epic ones, but I don't want this from the companies I purchase from dominating my feed.