The corollary being that people who are not peddling insight porn are often dismissed and have much much harder time to get their content shared.
I mean on one hand there is this guy with an incredibly feel good story about how all you have to do is just fill the gaps between the problem and solution and get rich. Then on the other hand there is this guy giving advice that looks like a steep uphill climb from your comfort zone where you to measure every single unique issue in your product and call customers 10 times a day to understand what's not working and why they're leaving, etc.
Most people will pick A since it makes em feel good and such wisdom like "if your why is big enough the how takes care of itself "
I mean on one hand there is this guy with an incredibly feel good story about how all you have to do is just fill the gaps between the problem and solution and get rich. Then on the other hand there is this guy giving advice that looks like a steep uphill climb from your comfort zone where you to measure every single unique issue in your product and call customers 10 times a day to understand what's not working and why they're leaving, etc.
Most people will pick A since it makes em feel good and such wisdom like "if your why is big enough the how takes care of itself "