I'd like to take a moment to mention how great dropbox's audio seeking thing is. It's super fast and works as intended. Great work whoever implemented this.
Just a follow up. My two conversions so far, Lalal.ai has been better. Especially separating drums from instruments. I'll give Stemroller a few more tries as I am always looking for options.
Update number three. I now just use both lalal and stemroller because each one seems to do better in certain cases. If I hadn’t paid for lalal, I’d probably just use stemroller as it’s way better than RX9
I split https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDaL7KBjkDI
And it gave me this https://www.dropbox.com/sh/inyk38n2jrp5i45/AACpB0xXNFxamEmP3... I noticed some weird hissing with the 808s, but other then that it sounded pretty good
For more of a challenge, I inputted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAwQ3njiU4M
and it came up with https://www.dropbox.com/sh/97lzke0puh9dzeo/AACE75vsbNS43UqqH... It was able to separate some of the kicks from the 808s, which is really impressive to me!
Overall, I'm very impressed! This sounds much better then lalal.ai to me