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There's still a lot to figure out in the space, and the blockchain adjacency always makes things feel like a land grab or first-mover obsessive. I don't think that much matters though. The majority of us will still keep our identity in centralized providers, but the real win is on the overhead of developers and the overall security model of identity on the web as the methods and registries get fleshed out.

Something important to track is the OIDC-SIOP v2 spec [1]. As this gets adopted by libraries and services that people are already using to handle their auth, it becomes effectively easier to "turn on" self-custody of identities for your users. I imagine there will be a lot of different options in terms of methods and registries to choose to accept, and the centralized providers of today will probably have a large say in what methods and registries get accepted.

Ultimately there are a lot of use cases enabled by deferring to the user for their identity and potentially other verifiable claims about themselves. The most obvious use case is phones using their secure elements to actually provide a password-less UX on the web while also allowing developers to skip dealing with user authentication. Less obvious (to most people) are things like verifying you own some NFT, or verifying that you have Bitcoin in some escrow so you're likely not a bot willing to get blacklisted on some platform.

This is the step that's required to create the real land grab over semantic User space - where "JoeSchmoe" really is the one and only.

[1] https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0.h...

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