Thanks, but any amount of waiting will cause disruption.
If I have to long-press (however short "long" might be), plus remember which number corresponds to which accent on each letter, that's a lot more than what I have now - accents make sense as you type the actual accent plus the letter. The only "exceptions" to this intuitiveness are 'c for ç (not an issue on PT or BR keyboards which have a dedicated key for that) and arguably " for umlauts like ü (I think only in pt_BR and even then it's not in use since the unification of the orthographies in the 90s).
If I have to long-press (however short "long" might be), plus remember which number corresponds to which accent on each letter, that's a lot more than what I have now - accents make sense as you type the actual accent plus the letter. The only "exceptions" to this intuitiveness are 'c for ç (not an issue on PT or BR keyboards which have a dedicated key for that) and arguably " for umlauts like ü (I think only in pt_BR and even then it's not in use since the unification of the orthographies in the 90s).