I'm 35, Web Dev since 2009, work from home (2 hours away from work) since 2020, and my company just decided that they want everyone back at the office immediately, or quit.
So I quat. And I decided I'll never be an employee ever again.
I'm gonna make a living out of my passions: write a book, create video games, adopt pets, photo, video, and if I run out of money I can still do Web Dev as freelance.
When I hear employers present these ultimatums, I always wonder what would happen if you didn't quit but also didn't come into work, simply continued doing your job as before from home. My sense is that many employers are bluffing and would not fire, but I've got not data points.
I'm 35, Web Dev since 2009, work from home (2 hours away from work) since 2020, and my company just decided that they want everyone back at the office immediately, or quit.
So I quat. And I decided I'll never be an employee ever again. I'm gonna make a living out of my passions: write a book, create video games, adopt pets, photo, video, and if I run out of money I can still do Web Dev as freelance.
Frightening but also exciting!