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Nutanix Objects violates MinIO’s open source license (min.io)
425 points by gaul on July 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 142 comments

MinIO is a fantastic tech and they seemed to be really patient to resolve this issue (waiting 3 years before doing actions). I'll continue to use them and recommend them everywhere I work. They really deserve respect... And to be paid for their hard work.

I'd like to hear Nutanix side of this story before sliding with one party. Awaiting for blog post from them :P

Until then here is my spicy story: - In 2019: Minio Sales contacted Nutanix (like this user mentioned https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32152645) hoping for a nice big cheque.

- 2019-2021: Nutanix cites Apache-2 license and refused to pay.

- 2021: Minio changed its license to AGPL (probably few others like Nutanix)

- 2021: Nutanix knows this and refuses to use AGPL version with their product.

- 2022: Discussion went on for another year and nothing came out from Nutanix.

- Now: Minio decided to publicly shame the company.

I worked on Objects at Nutanix for the last ~12 months. Nutanix had originally used the API server in MinIO to translate between the S3 REST API and internal RPCs. MinIO's claim on this blog post that "Nutanix Objects is built around MinIO object storage" is a gross exaggeration.

By the time I joined in June 2021, MinIO was deprecated and we were using an in-house S3 REST API server. I am skeptical that any of the APGL code was distributed because we just weren't using it around the time that MinIO changed from Apache to AGPL.

Do you work for Nutanix? Why the brand new account for this? And then referencing another throwaway user that says they work there

MinIO is leveraging their switch to the AGPL license as a vehicle to extract immense seven figure plus licensing agreements from "big" companies who relied on non-AGPL versions of the code in the past.

I don't know if that makes MinIO bad, better or good but it's all about money.

Around 2019, a lot of kubernetes distributions started popping up. They often bundle various open source solutions into one platform/PaaS and sell it to the end users. I wonder,

- What are the consequences for these companies?

- Do they share revenue with the open source projects?

- Can they simply distribute these services without any consequences?

- If not, When and How does a small open source project org enforce track and their license?

The consequences is that these companies get very rich and they eventually take-over the open-source project.

See Redis for example, two Israeli dudes took the open-source Redis, made tons of money.

Everyone is happy: the two founders became rich, the VCs became rich.

What about the authors and contributors of Redis ? Well thank you for the gift. As a present you can have the privilege to work for us to keep maintaining your bugs. Don't complain too much.

Then you can rewrite the history to make it sound like you created Redis and it's a win, while it's actually just a very smart dude in Italy who wrote most of the software using his own sweat and support from his employer (Pivotal).

> What about the authors and contributors of Redis ? Well thank you for the gift.

He was eventually hired by Redis-the-company, allowed them to use the trademark (originally they were Redis Labs which was a compromise with him), went to their conferences, trained their Redis developers (who contributed to Redis-the-open-source), etc.. I assume he was happy with the deal as he spoke positively about them and chose to spend a lot of time with them, and eventually retired after I presume getting a nice amount of money from the decade-long adventure.

Indeed, this is the ideal outcome for all involved. Everyone makes some money, everyone spent the time doing what they enjoyed doing, nobody got shafted, and contributors were able to integrate their contributions while being able to pull the whole app back down for their own (free) use.

These days liberal OSS licenses are really just free labor for this kind of thing. If you use a very liberal OSS license just make sure you are 100% OK with your work being appropriated this way, including having your name stripped from it and some hustler taking credit.

In the long term I think this kind of behavior is going to kill open source for things beyond libraries and building blocks.

Everything open on the Internet is destroyed by exploitation of one form or another: appropriation, spam, scams, etc. I've become fond of saying "the Internet is a dark forest."

If he didn’t want someone commercializing his software, he should used a different license. His own employer is is a commercial wrapper on an open source Project.

Did the two Israeli dudes violate the Redis license?

Is it possible to do something legal, yet morally wrong?

“By selecting this license I give anyone permission to do X, Y, and Z with my software - provided they do A as well.”

“I’m going to chose to do Z and A with your software.”

“Moral hazard! Moral hazard!”

Picking a license indicates what you are willing to have others do with your work. If you don’t want people to be able to monetize it, pick a different license.

> Picking a license indicates what you are willing to have others do with your work.

Picking a license indicates what you are willing to have others do with your work without going after them with a threat of handcuffs and prison bars. I might not be willing to do or threaten (government-mediated) violence to someone for being an arsehole, and yet consider them an arsehole.

This seems pretty silly. It's a civil matter, isn't it? Has anyone ever gone to jail for violating an open source license?

You could simply choose to not pursue legal action against license violators. Choosing a permissive license and then complaining when people do what you gave them permission to do is just ridiculous.

You can goto jail for not paying a civil settlement. All laws are eventually backed by violence.

> It's a civil matter, isn't it?

No. Willful copyright infringement for commercial game is a crime. See 17 U.S.C. § 506(a).

Clearly there was demand for a commercial offering. What should they have done differently?

Are you referring to Microsoft's business model?

It's possible. But there is nothing immoral here.

External impression, not facts, but intuition seeing how some VCs and startups are acting:

He didn't seem to have a real choice, maybe an illusion of choice since (from an external point of view) as he was pinned against the wall.

They were using his software commercially and even using the trademark of Salvatore (he was complaining about such uses occasionally). He was broke, I guess that's why he didn't register the trademark. Literally while they raised 40M USD, he was explaining struggling on this board:


This is actually one year after the first Redis Labs deal :/ Totally not the speech of someone with a multi-million exit in sight.

Fast-forward several years later: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19203596 (with already >1B valuation)

If Salvatore just got 10% of the company he would get 100M+ USD. 1%: 10M+ USD.

Something must have happened.

If I'm wrong and he is super rich, then it's my mistake, but in general it's incredibly easy to get screwed up in a hostile shareholding / corporate environment when in front of you you have experienced lawyers and bankers.

As long as the stock is illiquid you aren't really settled, are you?

It is, but did they?

Note that projects in the cloud native space are mostly Apache-licensed. (For example, the CNCF only approves other licenses on an exception basis I believe.) In that case, so long as attributions/trademarks are honored (which oddly seems to not have been the case here), projects licensed in that way can be freely used with Kubernetes without other restrictions.

Could you elaborate what free distribution mean? Often these platforms have enterprise license. Does that mean it is not free?

> Often these platforms have enterprise license. Does that mean it is not free?

There’s way too much nuance to give a clear answer without something being wrong. Give an example?

For instance, let say there is a platform xyz platform that is an abstraction on rancher to deploy kubernetes, that also deploys the grafana, prometheus, loki, cilium etc. But now, the owners of platform xyz says it is 5k a month for enterprise license of this abstraction. But users may or may not realise that they are using all the tools I have listed. Does that mean, the owners of the platform to have to pay the other platforms?

Another question is, can anyone just decide to offer commercial version of any opensource project? Is there any kind of license that protects the interest of opensource developers.

The whole Apache license isn't very long but this is mostly the extent of your obligations: "You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Work."

Apache is a non-copyleft license. Copyleft licenses like the GPL also require that any code changes, derivative works code, etc. needs to be made available if the software is distributed.

However, you can absolutely charge for support, etc. (But I can't assert copyright over code I didn't actually write.)

>Is there any kind of license that protects the interest of opensource developers

If by "protects the interest" you mean forces consumers of the code to pay them or allows them to restrict who uses their code, then pretty much no. The Open Source Definition as it stands pretty much excludes those kind of restrictions. The developers could of course just choose a proprietary license instead if they want to control how their code is used.

I think ghaff gave a pretty good answer as well, but here's some more nuance:

> Does that mean, the owners of the platform to have to pay the other platforms?


Tons of "value-add platforms" exist like this: wrap a bunch of open source up, add a UX layer on top and offer support. As long as you comply with the terms of the license, you can do just that. And many licenses (MIT/BSD/friends) are often complied with by merely redisplaying that software's license in the documentation or on a LICENSES file somewhere.

But there are licenses that are less permissive. The GPL is the one most people think of. If you modify and distribute GPL licensed software to others, you have to share your source. How do you dodge this? SaaS: change the GPL licensed software as much as you want, never distribute it, but instead allow users to interact with it over the network. Totally compliant.

Hence, we got AGPLv3, with this big provision:

> Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary means of facilitating copying of software.

Now, if your bundled SaaS solution includes AGPLv3 software, you have to make its code available.

There are interesting questions here ... if you take an AGPLv3 software and slap a nice GUI under it, is that "linking" under AGPLv3? Possibly. There's at least an argument to be made.

> Is there any kind of license that protects the interest of opensource developers.

If your interest is building software and releasing it openly while keeping it away from people who want to monetize it, traditionally the use of AGPL does just that. Google, Facebook, Amazon – I have first or second-hand knowledge that any attempt to bring AGPL into those ecosystems is a hard no without exception.

But, what "interest" are you trying to protect? I have released software under the BSD license that has been adopted in commercial applications. I'm fine with that; it was in my interest to release it under the BSD license, that's all.

Licenses matter. Pick the one that encodes what you'd like to achieve.

Thanks for such an elaborate and informative answer. This is really helpful.

Just one last nuance I'll add to what the parent wrote.

It wasn't actually the intent of the AGPL to keep a cloud service from setting up a competitor to your on-prem software. Rather it was to address what some felt was a loophole in the GPL's treatment of copyleft. (Namely that operating software as a service isn't considered distribution in the eyes of the GPL and therefore a cloud provider could add some secret sauce to your open source software without contributing back to the commons.)

That said, as a practical matter it seems to be pretty effective because most cloud providers won't use AGPL software (and a lot of other companies won't either).

But, because it doesn't actually prevent a cloud provider from competing with you with your own software, there have been a few (non-open source according to the open source definition) licenses created that specifically bar this sort of use.

> But, because it doesn't actually prevent a cloud provider from competing with you with your own software, there have been a few (non-open source according to the open source definition) licenses created that specifically bar this sort of use.

Excellent note, and very accurate!

I can start a company that sells your AGPLv3 software tomorrow. I just have to comply with the terms & conditions. If I'm doing absolutely nothing but operating the software without change, I can satisfy the license by saying "git clone github.com/your/software", done.

Where things get murky is on the concept of linking/derivative works. If I operate a cloud service and make changes to your software to make it use my cloud systems efficiently, those changes have to be open-sourced under AGPLv3. Does that leak too much proprietary information about my systems? Very possibly. That might be enough to stop me. But if I keep going down that road, I end up risking a legal argument that our systems have become so tangled together that parts of my software fall under AGPLv3.

For most companies, this is simply not worth the risk. MongoDB took it one step further with the SSPL:

> you must make the Service Source Code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this License. [...] “Service Source Code” means the Corresponding Source for the Program or the modified version, and the Corresponding Source for all programs that you use to make the Program or modified version available as a service, including, without limitation, management software, user interfaces, application program interfaces, automation software, monitoring software, backup software, storage software and hosting software, all such that a user could run an instance of the service using the Service Source Code you make available.

This is basically the anti-AWS license: for AWS to run MongoDB proper, they'd need to expose source for huge amounts of their backplane. It's also not open source under almost anyone's definition.

>This is basically the anti-AWS license: for AWS to run MongoDB proper, they'd need to expose source for huge amounts of their backplane.

Not true. For AWS to run MongoDB proper, they could just negotiate with MongoDB to offer it as a managed service - as Tencent, Alibaba, SAP, IBM, Swisscom, OVH and 10+ others have.

> It's also not open source under almost anyone's definition.

Enter the OSI. While it not be "Open Source" (note the capitals) I don't think anybody has the right to legislate the use of "open source" with lower case letters. A nit, but an important one - the capitals force us to realize that it's not a word in Webster's Dictionary. It's a proper noun definiton put forth and pushed by one organization. I can certainly say "...oracle is lying..." but if I say "...Oracle is lying...", I expect the black cars to drive up to my house pretty quickly.

> Not true. For AWS to run MongoDB proper, they could just negotiate with MongoDB to offer it as a managed service - as Tencent, Alibaba, SAP, IBM, Swisscom, OVH and 10+ others have.

True, that is an option. I’ll give anyone odds of it happening ;-)

> While it not be "Open Source" (note the capitals) I don't think anybody has the right to legislate the use of "open source" with lower case letters.

I think talking about “open source” is overloaded to uselessness. I really prefer to talk about licenses.

Even then the consensus I’ve heard from most people who care to think about software licensing is that the SSPL is essentially a weaponized license designed to strip freedoms. Lowercase open source, you be the judge.

It's happened 15+ times before :-) I agree - talking about actual facts - i.e. licenses - is far better. I think SSPL (and AGPL) for that matter, protect freedoms - the freedoms of small companies to innovate and not have their work gobbled up and used by gorillas who have the power of distribution and platform. I don't know about the deals MongoDB has made with these 15+ cloud providers, but clearly it's working somehow. That said, maybe they would indeed not license to the three "biggies". Though it's unclear that those will be the three biggies for too much longer. Thanks for the clear comment back - sorry for being snarky in my note.

No snark perceived! It was a valuable post that added more context to a topic that deserves it. Far too many people perceive a "black and white", open source / closed source distinction where none exists.

> That said, maybe they would indeed not license to the three "biggies"

I think it's actually likely the other direction: I suspect Mongo has been working with all three to get it licensed as a service, and any hesitation is from their potential customers.

I know AWS the best. They want total control, and hate paying other people. They can also afford a long time horizon. They didn't buy Annapurna Labs to offer an alternative to Intel. They aren't going to want to license Mongo because that cuts into margin and costs them control.

Companies are not doing anything wrong when they are profiting off a permissive license. Its only a problem if they do something which is not in line with the license.

If people want to make money off open source, then dual licensing is a good way.

Permissively licensing code and then when companies use it as they wish (due to the permissive license), complaining about it does not look good.

Kudos for MinIO team for spending THREE YEARS trying to resolve this. Shame that they had to resort to a public naming and shaming but sometimes corporate entities are tone deaf.

Now this is exposed the next question is if Nutanix Objects is just a MinIO wrapper then what value are they even proving here?

That also means Nutanix is pretty sure they are covered, legally.

I don’t follow. What case would they have to not follow the AGPL…?

Who said this is the AGPL version of MinIO? It was only a little over a year ago that they changed from Apache to AGPL. MinIO wrote that they only suspected an AGPL violation. Most their accusation was focused on the Apache license.

There would still need to be an acknowledgment from the NOTICES file, but that’s it.

I don't know. But they have been thoroughly informed of the issue and have not acted. Thus I conclude they most likely feel they don't need to act.

Open and shut case. Disappointing that the Nutanix engineers care so little about their peers.

If you think this is bad, you should see how their sales and marketing departments behave.

Please don't blame engineers on every single issue. The engineer may not even know there's an issue here. They may be assured by their boss or legal department that they are in the clear. They may not even think about such mundane things like licensing and stuff, that's what they have higher ups for.

If someone is to blame, then it's the company leadership and legal department. As much as we want to make us engineers more important than we are, we are not decision makers. Blame should be put where it belongs.

> They may not even think about such mundane things like licensing and stuff

Imagine a medical doctor or civil engineer claiming that knowing the laws of their professions is "mudane". That's why no one takes programers seriously.

> we are not decision makers.

You totally can decide to not work on stuff you are not comfortable with. It's not like there's a shortage of software engineering jobs.

> You totally can decide to not work on stuff you are not comfortable with.

I seriously don't get why engineers think they share no responsibility whatsoever for the company they work for. Somehow, they seem to think their situation is comparable to someone picking orders at an Amazon fulfillment center. Thinking they "have no choice" when making 6 figures and having to fight off the recruiters. That's just an easy excuse they tell themselves to help them sleep at night. It's an insult to workers who actually have little choice to do shitty jobs for shitty companies to put food on the table and can barely make ends meet.

> can barely make ends meet

I dunno, that’s kinda how I feel every time I look at the price of housing.

Yes because every software engineer is at a SV startup or is a FAANG employee earning 100k+...

> knowing the laws of their professions is "mudane". That's why no one takes programmers seriously.

You cannot know laws that are not there, and the very definition of a lot of software positions these day is ‘do evil’.

I like that I am not being taken seriously as a programmer. I get paid a lot and in exchange I have no responsibilities. If a civil engineer or a doctor make a mistake that kills someone they go to prison. Nothing happens to me for producing crappy code. What are the downsides?

Software engineers are in a position of great privilege: if we can’t hold ourselves to account, what are we doing? Almost any software engineer put in a difficult position can get up and walk into another job — “it’s not my decision” is not an acceptable excuse for (almost any) software engineer.

Blame lies with those who are complicit by choice, just as much as those who are directing the behaviour.

> They may not even think about such mundane things like licensing and stuff, that's what they have higher ups for.

Oh, come on. Engineers these days are not stupid. While I agree that their boss could plainly lie to them that he bought a commercial license, it was more like, "What will we use for the underlying storage?" "Maybe MiniIO, they're S3-compatible and efficient." "Fine. Can we use their code, though?" "Sure, it's open source, and we are a *aaS business, so no problem." I saw this kind of thinking before.

"I was just following orders" is not considered a legitimate excuse. The engineers have agency and should be considered a "reasonable person".

As soon as doing morally questionable things becomes illegal I think you’ll find that a lot more people are willing to take a stand.

The engineers might understand the issue better than legal. Most engineers I've meet understand the spirit and intentions of the open source license far better than the legal teams, who are more interested in whether or not you could be successfully sued.

One of the issues with open source software, from a branding perspective, is that you can technically be in the clear, but violate the social contract that implicitly exist in the community. Many companies fail to factor that part in when running licenses through legal.

The engineer who includes the binary is responsible for understanding the ramifications

You are being downvoted but I actually think there are some fair points that you are making.

We use a lot of FOSS in our company. We pay licenses and contribute very little (our job isn't to improve gitlab or docker, we are shipping a software product on top of that), but I wouldn't know where exactly we are in the legal-illegal spectrum to save my life.

I consider myself an employee, not an entrepreneur. If I was an entrepreneur, I sure would happily seek legal advice on what exactly is fair use of open source. But really, I wouldn't know who to trust on the free advice market to figure out what I'm allowed and not allowed to do when starting up. I have absolutely 0 interest in legal stuff and it's mostly scary and confusing to me (and that's probably why I don't do any entrepreneurship, not even a side hustle in consulting), and I wish I and other salary men would be given a break about what the company is doing.

Nutanix shouldn't do what they are doing, but I don't think engineers should be to blame. At the end of the day, if an employee would have to go through everything that the company might not do perfectly right before deciding on a job, we would work nowhere. I wouldn't work for Oracle, but where to draw the line exactly ?

If your job is to pick the dependencies, your job is also to understand what picking those dependencies means.

It rings hollow to throw your hands up at the license part and say - “not my job”. It is. Understanding the legal risk of that dependency is as important as understanding the technical risk.

If your company doesn’t have a license policy, ask for a lawyer to draft that. But I’ve worked at some pretty penny-ante companies before and even they had an acceptable license policy.

If yours truly doesn’t have one, part of your job as the person building the software is to get one drafted.

Engineers generally have the responsibility of picking dependencies subject to legal constraints - they have zero understanding or inclination to understand licensing terms. That's generally fine at companies with established legal departments. The enforcement of legal constraints is done by the legal department, which will usually employ at least one full-time counsel who specializes in IP law, and it is generally completely outside engineers' purview. In fact, this is Standard Operating Procedure at almost every company of this size, including at Nutanix, which is a mid-size, public, enterprise hardware/software company whose shares are traded on NASDAQ.

It's really not the engineers' job to pick the dependencies per se, but to pick them subject to constraints that are laid out by management. There is certainly no ethical quandary or abdication of moral responsibilities in this setup: engineers will pick among choices that are pre-vetted by people who know the legal ramifications best and have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to make sure the company does not run afoul of applicable law.

Engineers need to ask legal for a license review. You as an engineer may not understand every aspect of it, but your legal team should make it clear. It’s the same at most places. Licenses are included with the source code, it’s not that hard to bump it up to legal to understand your responsibilities of including it in the product.

OTOH - if the engineer did that and received flawed guidance, then it’s a legal issue and not the engineer’s issue. I guess the question is whether the legal review of all FOSS licenses in the product was done.

For the record, opensource licenses are generally fairly understandable.

And if you're lazy, there are websites which gives you a summary of it: https://tldrlegal.com/licenses/tags/OSI-Approved

I'm really starting to think that companies violating OSS licenses is often times malice, not ignorance.

They use a load of other FOSS software under the hood too, not least of which libvirt/KVM.

I wonder how many other licences they're violating this way.

libvirt uses LGPL and the KVM/linux kernel uses GPL. Both are fine to keep to yourself if you run it on your own machine and only expose it over the network.

MinIO uses AGPL which explicitly includes network usage so Nutanix is forced to provide all patches and associated code.

Recent versions of MinIO use AGPL. Much of what they talk about here are issues with Apache licensed code. (The switch happened in April 2021).


This really seems like Nutanix just didn’t include the MinIO NOTICES file in their OSS disclosures for some reason. Something so minor should have been an easy oversight to fix. Without actually testing out Nutanix, it’s hard to know if they are actually violating this part of the Apache license. MinIO isn’t included in their “open source packages we use” webpage, but that’s not where the NOTICES message would need to be included. Either way, it’s odd that things escalated like this.

The newer AGPL versions of MinIO would offer its own licensing challenge for Nutanix (which is part of the reason for the switch to AGPL). But that’s not even what MinIO is focusing on in their post. MinIO also don’t show the version of their software that they claim Nutanix is using. And it’s very possible that Nutanix froze the minio version in April 2021 (quite likely the case).

Nutanix distributes their AHV hypervisor to clients so the GPL would apply, I think.

Wasn't nutanix using cassandra "modified" for some SAN product almost 10 years ago?

Nutanix Objects does not use minio in the core data path. The presence of a binary in a kubernetes pod doesn't necessarily mean that the binary is being used or the fact that nutanix objects is nothing but a wrapper over minio. Earlier implementations did use minio purely as a S3 protocol adapter, i.e a protocol translator from S3 API to Nutanix internal storage protocol. This was something that was publicly acknowledged : https://blocksandfiles.com/2019/11/07/nutanix-objects-storag...

However, in later releases they seemed to have replaced the minio based protocol adapter to something that they developed in-house in C++ and have no longer using minio in their protocol stack.

I recently left Nutanix, but I worked on Objects for the past 12 months. The MinIO path was deprecated by the time that I joined. I don't have enough information to confidently side with either Nutanix or MinIO, but I'll clarify and confirm a few things:

- As you said, MinIO was used to translate S3 REST API requests to internal RPCs.

- MinIO was replaced with an in-house S3 API server.

- I distinctly remember seeing a patch 6-12 months ago where MinIO was removed from the build.

Out of curiosity, do you remember what language the in-house S3 API server was written in? :)

Whether they use it or not is irrelevant if they are distributing it.

It would make it easier to remove though… which makes it even more odd that it is still there even after the three years of notice.

Seems like an oversight that the binary got shipped with the pods

It could have been an oversight initially. But three years later? Impossible to claim ignorance now.

ROFL if you see block and files as the official disclosure fron Nutanix is a great testament of how that company is run :) Try getting their OSD file and see if MinIO is listed :)

Nutanix does not carry EULA or reference even today while continuing to use it.

Read Apache v2 attribution clauses.

> while continuing to use it.

But the parent to your comment says they don't use it (any more)???

Of course they use it, its there in their container :-)

Will revoking their license stop Nutanix from using MinIO or will they have to go to court to get them to stop? I don't see any mention of a lawsuit in the post.

My intuition is that they're escalating progressively. Threats and lawsuits, as a general rule, make it more difficult to reach an amicable resolution. I'm inclined to interpret MinIO's response as a mature and prudent one.

First, revoke the license. That means they are no longer permitted to redistribute the code.

If they then continue to redistribute it, they are committing a copyright violation. That’s when there is cause for a lawsuit.

>First, revoke the license. That means they are no longer permitted to redistribute the code.

I wonder how it works. What is the act of revoking an open source license exactly? I assume they simply sent a letter and wrote a blog post? Pretty sure in my country it would have no legal force. Is it different in the US?

If it were in my country, you’d send them a notification by registered mail. Then you’d get a receipt that they received it.

As soon as they are in violation of the license, they no longer have permission to redistribute the code, because the license is the only thing that allows that and it only allows that if they are in compliance with the license. So there is cause for a lawsuit immediately, not after any other action.

They could, but clearly according to the article, they are not doing that. They are first revoking the license and notifying the affected party. I assume the lawsuit will be filed as soon as they have evidence that the notification is served yet the violation is continuing.

More than that, they've been given notice, and are willfully distributing it.

There's all kinds of specific legal teeth for that behavior.

It wouldn’t really be a (useful) revocation of the license if they were not legally notified.

They aren't redistributing it at all, only using it.

I’m pretty sure when the license is revoked, that includes the license for using it as well.

The article doesn’t seem to state if they are redistributing it or not, but I’ll take your word for it. Without being a user of the infringing product, I’m not able to tell whose premises the server they SSH’d into is on.

IIRC the AGPL says you don't need a license to use the code, but you do to modify the code, which then triggers the network interaction requirements.

The AGPL network interaction provisions trigger on modification, not redistribution, so you can violate it without redistribution.

Yes, which is the point of AGPL.

Same question here, what would be the next step.

You'd think Nutanix would have the brains to change the names of the deployed binaries, which brings up an interesting question. How do you detect license violation if the violator has replaced the brand name across the codebase?

Alternate interpretation: Nutanix is fully compliant with the terms of Apache 2 and refused to be extorted into paying MinIO money.

The press release is high on FUD (can’t revoke an irrevocable license, no evidence presented they have deployed the AGPLv3 version) and low on details why it took them three years to issue a press release when an injunction would have been granted pretty quick if Nutanix were truly in violation of the Apache license.

I don’t claim to know the details but I do know a little bit the rights under Apache2 and (unless my understanding is incorrect) MinIO’s claims are baffling.

Patterns of strings, function names, other symbols and the entire call graph usually show up in the compiled binary, unless they apply some sort of obfuscator to the process.

I'd imagine without further obfuscation a visual diff would be quite telling in that situation

Any recommendations on MinIO forks or open-source alternatives with more welcoming licenses?

They changed their license from Apache recently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinIO#Re-licensing

well the problem is that some companies who use the AGPL do actually write some fud about it. i.e. if I use min.io agpl and the user never interacts with it, just my program, but I never even modified min.io and I just use the binary interface, I would never be subjected to the release my program's code, I would just need to give a link to the min.io source code that I used.

however every company thinks in its own way:


> You may not deploy it on a network without disclosing the full source code of your own applications under the AGPL license. You must distribute all source code, including your own product and web-based applications.

and they also kinda fork the license with this text:

> When using iText 7 Community under AGPL, you must prominently mention iText and include the iText copyright and AGPL license in output file metadata, and also retain the producer line in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.

I mean this makes it really hard to trust the license at all, what would happen if I build a sever that can modify/create/convert pdfs and release the source code and than I have another program that calls this server internally with a http client, is that still some kind of linking or is it more like mongodb?

I would happily build something with agpl when I could use itext/ghostscript and build something like minio which could than be used behind the scenes, but if that is not possible or if it is a grey zone than I'm not sure if agpl is a cool license at all. every company who uses the agpl writes something different about it, thats why an "official" clarification would be really really cool.

It's only not welcoming to those who wish to close the source.

It's the paradox of tolerance: you must not tolerate those who find others intolerable.

That’s one perspective and while I understand it it’s not one I’ve agreed with. An alternate view is that it forces all parts of your tech stack to be open sourced even things that have nothing to do with, or at most ancillary relation to the relevant service. OSS software is valuable but AGPL steps (in my view anyway) waaaay outside of what’s reasonable to try to prevent servicifying OSS. I think most companies would be fine with a GPL-like license that forced you to share the source for that code even if it’s behind a service. The viral nature of AGPL makes it toxic to almost everyone unless you’re willing to pay the copyright holders for special permission. That’s certainly fine but to me it’s less OSS and more like a viral source available license.

The point of GPL-alikes is to ensure user freedom: that the user can modify the code of any software they use.

If a company is intolerant of this, then the AGPL is intolerant of that company.

it stops low effort grifting of network-enabled open source for cash.

Alternative point of view: opensource isn't the same as freeloading

> Any derivative works of AGPL-licensed software must also use the AGPL.

It’s a viral license. It infects everything it touches.

Not if you just deploy it as is, like a service. (which it's intended to) If you write an application which uses MinIO over HTTP, you have no obligation to release your application code.


AGPL is purposefully designed to eliminate the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish model of Cloud providers, where the provider embraces a popular open source projects, creates a "service" from it, extends that service in order to make their flavor non-compatible with out contributing upstream in an effort to extinguish the original project.

There are quite a few Storage projects out there with a S3-compatible API storage, that can be used in place of Minio such as Ceph, Openstack Swift, SeaweedFS, etc..

Of course, they all differ in subtle ways, so you have to try for yourself.

No one in their right mind would attempt to use Ceph in place of MinIO. Yes, Ceph can provide S3 compliant object storage via the RadosGW, but the effort and footprint is not worth it for MinIO use cases. On the other hand, OpenStack Swift's all-in-one (typically used by developers) could easily be a replacement of MinIO.

I admit personal bias, but that's no longer the only way to deploy Ceph object storage these days. (And full-blown Ceph is rather good when you in fact require resilience and very large scale.)

The CNCF maintains a list of closed and opensource container-friendly storage backends: https://landscape.cncf.io/card-mode?category=cloud-native-st...

Can you revoke an Apache-2.0 copyright license? The terms say irrevocable, though it stipulates respecting the terms and conditions:

"2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form."

Apache also doesn’t require you to share source code. Just because a company publishes their code under an OSS license doesn’t automatically make them the good guys and unless there’s some critical context it seems like pure FUD.

Afaik Apache only requires you to maintain the copyright when distributing in source form (ie you don’t need to mention the license in binary form) but I’m not a lawyer and maybe misread. The license is certainly irrevocable and patent indemnifying provided you don’t violate it.

You can’t both try to engender good will by releasing your code as OSS and then simultaneously going after someone who would seem to be complying with the terms with FUD. To see the FUD most clearly:

> and we believe they may also be in violation of the GNU AGPL v3 versions of MinIO

If that were the case you’d actually be in a court of law enforcing the license rather than trying to sway any kind of public opinion.

This almost certainly stems from their switch to AGPLv3 to ensure that cloud providers can’t use it as part of their own offering. That’s fair but also provides context on motivation.

> The license is certainly irrevocable and patent indemnifying provided you don’t violate it.

That's essentially what I find contentious, is whether "subject to the terms and conditions of this license" it is irrevocable or it is irrevocable irrespective of whether the terms of the license are being violated. With its phrasing I assumed it's the latter.

Actually, I think you're right. It's even worse. I'm not a lawyer but it seems like Apache2 grants a permanent license and the ONLY exception is when you're bringing patent litigation. The "not a lawyer" piece comes in what the consequence is if you break a license but I suspect you're no longer protected. A fake cease & desist is all MinIO could muster here.

our organization was using Minio as an external S3 replacement and had contacted their sales once. When a decision was made to not go for the paid plan, we were legally threatened saying that we cannot even make remote calls to a AGPL software.

That's kind of the point of the AGPL

For a system that is a providing an object storage service how else are you going to use it? We had started using it when it was Apache2 and then we got stuck. Might as well just make it into a paid product/service and not play the open source card and earn creds from community.

If you are naking open source software, you can use minio for free, otherwise you have to pay them money. If it was proprietary, that would not be the case

You also are free to study and learn from the code

Nutanix makes a big song and dance about their ethics.


Looks like it's just there for show.

I mean, to be fair, having a Code of [Conduct|Ethics] is table-stakes for any company smaller than a small startup. This is far from a song and dance, but just checking off a box.

They seem to do a lot of box-ticking.

I wonder why these folks keep doing this. Do they believe nobody will find out? Or that even if they find out, they won't have to pay much so they factor it in? It's really hard to imagine for me.

Strange. You spent THREE YEARS in discussion with Nutanix and still say

> we believe they may also be in violation of the GNU AGPL v3 versions of MinIO.

`may also be`? you are not even 100% sure whether they are using your AGPL v3 version? I have no clue, what the heck you were discussing for 3 years.

Moving from Apache-2.0 to AGPLv3 is a clear trap for those who use Minio as part of their commercial offering. With AGPLV3 one need to "disclose your source code" where as its not required with Apache-2.

If you started your "Open source" project with AGPL it is a different thing but to start the project under Apache-2 and few years later introducing AGPLv3 is kind of lame and unethical, IMHO. https://github.com/minio/minio/discussions/12156

I'm shocked anyone would buy something from Nutanix.

> I'm shocked anyone would buy something from Nutanix.

Why? The alternative competitors like VMware are better? I'm not up to date on the details but perhaps you may want to elaborate. Thanks.



> VMware Announces Plans to Remove Non-complying Code, Hellwig Decides Not to Appeal

We apparently use it at work, which is all I needed to know to determine that it's awful.

Sometimes it's pretty cut and dry, just people using open source without attribution and hoping that nobody will find out. But why?

MinIO is licensed under AGPL (the current versions, at least): https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/LICENSE

It effectively mandates that the modified version needs to be made available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_Lice...

  The GNU Affero General Public License is a modified version of the ordinary GNU GPL version 3. It has one added requirement: if you run a modified program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the modified version running there.
So the logical first question is: why pick software that is using AGPL? Did the engineers/managers just not care? Did they miss it? I know for a fact that there are many out there who couldn't care less about licenses and compliance. Maybe companies haven't been strong armed into caring about licensing as much as they have been in regards to GDPR, for example?

Secondly, why should the modified version remain a "secret"? Would competition suddenly spring up? Or maybe the project contains tight coupling to the rest of the platform, which could be considered a security risk?

Why isn't open sourcing a modified version something that would take a few hours anyways, since then none of this would be an issue?

(disclaimer: I discuss SSPL below because I find it interesting; apologies for the tangent)

Honestly, the state of software licensing sometimes puzzles me. For example, MongoDB switched over to SSPL altogether: https://www.mongodb.com/community/licensing

  If you make the functionality of the Program or a modified version available to third parties as a service, you must make the Service Source Code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this License. ...
Seems like that applies to even patches: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo

  MongoDB is free and the source is available. Versions released prior to October 16, 2018 are published under the AGPL. All versions released after October 16, 2018, including patch fixes for prior versions, are published under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1. See individual files for details.
DigitalOcean, for example, proudly advertises managed MongoDB as a service: https://www.digitalocean.com/products/managed-databases-mong...

And yet, to the best of my understanding, the entirety of the DigitalOcean platform isn't open source (even though many projects are): https://github.com/orgs/digitalocean/repositories

Or even anything that might have something to do with MongoDB in particular: https://github.com/orgs/digitalocean/repositories?q=mongo&ty...

It just feels like one of those "rules for thee, not for me" situations, since it wouldn't be feasible for small companies to compete with them. Edit: someone mentioned them probably running the enterprise version which is probably the explanation for this!

That said, the thought experiment of building a company (including all systems) as 100% open source is really interesting, whether such a thing would be feasible if people stopped caring about "guarding" their IP and whatnot.

> DigitalOcean, for example, proudly advertises managed MongoDB as a service: https://www.digitalocean.com/products/managed-databases-mong...

> And yet, to the best of my understanding, the entirety of the DigitalOcean platform isn't open source (even though many projects are): https://github.com/orgs/digitalocean/repositories

I don't think it's required to open source everything, only the bits that provide the MongoDB service. I don't know if they've done that.

Also, the SSPL seems to be a little controversial [1] as it appears to want to relicence all software it's running near under itself.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Side_Public_License

> I don't think it's required to open source everything, only the bits that provide the MongoDB service. I don't know if they've done that.

Yes, that's my exact point - these things are sometimes full of finer points. I don't doubt that DigitalOcean have talked with MongoDB and have probably figured out some sort of a deal, or another way to offer it as a service (someone mentioned them using the enterprise version, where the terms are probably different).

Though offering MongoDB as a service for a small no-name company all of the sudden seems impossible, unless they actually want to open soruce lots of their own code.

> Also, the SSPL seems to be a little controversial [1] as it appears to want to relicence all software it's running near under itself.

Of course, there was backlash to it even existing, much like larger companies didn't really like AGPL being a thing either.

Then again, I guess one could argue that MongoDB definitely can create such a license, as a reaction against cloud platforms utilizing their solution: https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/mongodb-now-released-under...

  This should be a time of incredible opportunity for open source. The revenue generated by a service can be a great source of funding for open source projects, far greater than what has historically been available. The reality, however, is that once an open source project becomes interesting, it is too easy for large cloud vendors to capture most of the value while contributing little or nothing back to the community. As a result, smaller companies are understandably unwilling to wager their existence against the strategic interests of the large cloud vendors, and most new software is being written as closed source.
I don't really have a horse in that race, though in theory such a license would be good for the open source community, whilst its effects on larger cloud vendors are also pretty much clear. Of course, there is a lot of controversy around it and it's not considered "open source" at all by many.

It's a tricky problem one can only have when one chooses to give one's work away with zero strings attached :)

That is probably true, when you live in a society where you probably still want some money for your work.

The greater implications of that might have something to do with how we get articles like "Software below the poverty line": https://staltz.com/software-below-the-poverty-line.html

Or maybe the revelations about how "well" supported the people who maintained Log4j were from the open source community: https://words.filippo.io/professional-maintainers/

  Earlier this week, a severe RCE in a logging library called Log4j2 got everyone, from Apple to Minecraft. As of yesterday, the maintainer who patched the vulnerability had three sponsors on GitHub: Michael, Glenn, and Matt.
That's why it's hard to be angry with companies and people trying to get paid for their work, supported by various software licenses in one way or another. I do still mostly support open source in spirit, though doing that with my wallet on OpenCollective (or GitHub Sponsors or whatever) is also a good thing to do.

No one needs to get angry at anything, and people are free to change their minds if they decide their previous decision to open source was a mistake. It's just worth remembering that this is a deliberate part of choosing to make open source software, and not an unintended consequence.

No idea about the relationship between MongoDB and DigitalOcean, but note that you've linked to the "community" edition; their site also shows an "enterprise" edition, which is more likely for a large entity like DigitalOcean to be using.

That's a great point, thanks for bringing it up! I've updated my original post with this detail as a possible explanation, since it's the one that makes the most sense.

I guess that MinIO or any other company could also do something similar, have dual licenses, where interested parties can pay for commercial usage and whatnot.

Why is it more likely?

nutanix uses the apache licensed version probably, which changed in 2021. so it's even more buzzling since they would've just needed a NOTICES file.

For those wondering what Nutanix is and does: Nutanix is an app that teaches you how to be a castrato and preserve a high pitched singing voice.


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