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I do believe Gian-Carlo Rota would have fitted in quite well on HN:

   Activity                                Calories burned
  --------                                ---------------
  Writing one line of C.......................   10
  Debugging one line of C.....................  300
  Writing one line of Lisp....................    2
  Debugging one line of Lisp..................   20
  Writing one line of Fortran.................   25
  Reading e-mail..............................  200
  Writing e-mail..............................   -3
  Reading news................................ 1000
  Web-surfing ................................  100
  Working on thesis...........................    7
  Answering officemate's phone calls..........  432
  Wondering about the future..................  107
  Speculating about life on other planets.....  371
  Getting to know inner child.................  252
  Perfecting .plan file.......................39924
  Reading Wired...............................   15
  Writing limericks in assembly language......  924
  Sleeping in chair...........................   15
  Sleeping in chair, but leaning on desk......    7
  Sleeping on office floor  (with pillow).....   14
           (without pillow).....  257
  Choosing a new CD to work to................  333
  Dreaming (at night)......................... 4522
  Searching...................................  777
  Sorting.....................................  222

Edit: It's possible (likely?) this is Janet Cahn's (~cahn) activieties, not Gian-Carlo Rota's

How can writing email have negative calorie consumption?

Is this person usually eating while writing email? Is writing email an as-yet-undiscovered solution to world hunger?

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