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> growing 30% YoY for the last 3~4 years alone. This is unheard of in any other industry/market.

It has been common for the leaders in every other market throughout commercial history, as it pertains to corporations of large size. What you're looking at are presently old industries and comparing them to newer, that's where your mistake rests.

Walmart did it. Sears did it. Kmart did it. Best Buy did it. US Steel and its components did it. The various automobile majors did it. Standard Oil and the other oil majors did it. General Electric did it. Caterpillar did it. Pan Am did it. Many of the railroad companies did it during their time. McDonald's, Starbucks and most large chains do it during their expansion->saturation phase. Coca Cola did it.

It's exceedingly rare to find a large corporation that didn't bang out 30% growth years for a decade or more to get as big as they got.

One day, decades from now, "cloud" will look like a big dead industry too, and people will talk about how it never grows fast. Just ask the people that used to make business software you install onto PCs.

> Walmart did it.

Facebook took 17 years and Walmart took 25 years to reach $85B in sales.

Most tech companies have ~80% gross margins. Walmarts is ~25%.

You simply cannot compare the two.

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