Yeah I had to learn Assembly in college. We also had to physically print out our C++ code and turn it in to the professor. Did it make me a better programmer? Maybe but to this day I still haven't had to use it. Most of my practical skills I picked up on the job.
P.S. I've seen the professor grading the printed out programs and he'd do it by flipping to the last page which was supposed to have the result output, and then fold the corner of the papers so it looked like he read the whole thing and then put a grade on the top. It was pretty funny.
If they also made you do all the calculations the program would, by hand, and record the output, then penalized you if you made any errors on that... it'd be math class.
Same here, only if you wrote in pencil, you were not allowed to appeal grading. So you had to write C from memory _in pen only_
while learning the language. There were students who pointed out the grading was wrong on their code, the TA and professor agreed, and the mark was not changed. Had to take it to the dean, don't think I learned if it was ever fixed. It wasn't even a CS degree...
Did we go to the same school? Halfway through the semester he gave up on even that pretense and started throwing them out in front of us and giving everyone a C-
Never saw him do that but given his personality I wouldn't put it past him lol. He also cemented in me that there would be virtually no collaboration at a company and that we'd be given problems to solve/features to build and if we had trouble we'd get the can. I think most of his work experience might have been in a pretty hostile work environment. Or at least a good while before pair programming became the hot ticket item.
P.S. I've seen the professor grading the printed out programs and he'd do it by flipping to the last page which was supposed to have the result output, and then fold the corner of the papers so it looked like he read the whole thing and then put a grade on the top. It was pretty funny.