Pico does not have flash Protection/Lock.
This makes impossible to protect the firmware.
Almost every other uC has a feature to
disable reading of flash content.
Any comments on this?
How would you go about reading the flash (aside from doing so directly via QSPI)? The BOOTSEL mode is write-only from what I understand (and have observed).
You could always break into a program with the debugger (using the SWD interface), and load a program that reads data from the QSPI flash and dumps it to, say, a UART.
(I may be wrong here.)
Using Thonny IDE, I can just read
all Python scripts stored in QSPI Flash.
At least, I could not find how BOOTSEL will help here.
QSPI Flash is external to RP2040.
I was expecting some form of facility
to encrypt XIP flash content and RP2040
could decrypt and execute (instead of execute only)