I love the data model of RDBMS / SQL. I hate SQL _the language_. Verbose, irregular, attempting to mimic English and thus making it unintuitive and next to impossible to remember. 80% of my lookups into reference documentation is about syntax for things I don't use that often.
Examples: GRANT TO, REVOKE FROM, DENY TO (oh yes, what's the difference between REVOKE and DENY? and did you know that you can REVOKE a DENY?), arbitrary requirements for punctuation (e.g., = in BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 TO DISK = 'X:\SQLServerBackups\AdventureWorks1.bak'), dubious context-sensitive "magical identifiers" (e.g., SELECT DATEPART(year, @t)), non-composability (how do you dynamically give a part specification to DATEPART?), etc, etc, etc.
It's possible to write a novel about just how unstructured and irregular "structured" query language is.
All of your examples are vendor specific extensions to SQL. Nothing of that is part of the standard. So you are effectively hating a specific implementation which is not that logical.
Examples: GRANT TO, REVOKE FROM, DENY TO (oh yes, what's the difference between REVOKE and DENY? and did you know that you can REVOKE a DENY?), arbitrary requirements for punctuation (e.g., = in BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 TO DISK = 'X:\SQLServerBackups\AdventureWorks1.bak'), dubious context-sensitive "magical identifiers" (e.g., SELECT DATEPART(year, @t)), non-composability (how do you dynamically give a part specification to DATEPART?), etc, etc, etc.
It's possible to write a novel about just how unstructured and irregular "structured" query language is.