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>But at least republicans aren't claiming credit for giving you your "rights".

Can you point to somewhere that Democrats have claimed to "give" rights? Democrats aim to "protect" rights, but the Constitution is where rights are enumerated and/or it is recognized that there are rights that may exist beyond what is enumerated. Further, if you were to read the party platform of the Democratic Party, you would see that protecting and enhancing rights is a fundamental core value.

>Sorry, for not capitolizing Democrat, since you seem to see such great offense in it.

It's "capitalizing" not "capitolizing" and it's not its state as a proper noun I was noting. The party is not "The democrats" or "democrat" it is the "Democratic" party. Sure, it's just words, but if you are going to repeatedly call out a party in a thread for some grievances, it's useful to call them by their actual name.

You've lost the thread of the discussion. I said the reason the Democrat party is so protective of Roe v Wade is because its a cornerstone of their powerbase and how they give their supporters and fundraisers the impression they are giving them their rights. Not from the constitution, but from them, because nothing about abortion is in the constitution. If you read Roe v wade decision, you'll note they had to introduce the idea of a right to privacy, which also does not exist. From a purely jurisprudence perspective, its all built on smoke and mirrors. These issues were supposed to be settled in state legislatures, which is what the decision today asserts. Now, state legislatures are in a position to circumscribe abortion around cases where it is acceptable. It may be extreme to call it a life at conception, but it's also extreme to call it not a life right before birth. There's middle ground here.

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