Slowing the flow of money out of the public purse and into a very small number of barely accountable global megacorps and private equity funds, whilst improving the employment prospects of the local population, sounds like it's worth the cost of repeat work.
Also, nature loves a bit of redundancy. And capitalism loves competition. You can't have competition under a monopoly.
> > . And capitalism loves competition. You can't have competition under a monopoly.
> And the govt. is the biggest monopoly of all.
I didn't say shut down the megacorps. Maybe they have use; I don't know. What I do know is they're unaccountable (like the shit bits of government).
If government had to use open systems, the quality of those open systems would improve and compete better with the similar commercial ones. The public (and companies and other countries) then have a choice between the tools from the megacorps and the open tools. The public also gains/improves a resource. More competition. Probably better for everyone.
Also, nature loves a bit of redundancy. And capitalism loves competition. You can't have competition under a monopoly.