You can do something with lxc - I had to use it instead of Docker on a Chromebook a while back. The wrapper isn't as nice, but it's not actually that hard to get going.
$ tar -xzf ubuntu.tar.gz && chroot ubuntu
tar (child): ubuntu.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
if I have to do wget of something (and find the url to wget) it's not worth it
If it requires to read a whole blog article like this to setup someone can make and sell a product with a one-liner command that does it. They could call it, idk, decker or something
I take it you don't remember learning Docker? I had to read way more than one article to fully understand it. I also had to learn what cgroups were and all kinds of things.