In a certain way, Free Software is political activism. Disagree with something? Fork it. Not using FLOSS? Contribute to one by using, coding, donating money or trying to make it more popular. Can't or don't want to do that? How about stop complaining?
That's not viable when Apple prevents you from installing arbitrary software on their devices. You can just say use Android but that is also fraught with compromises as well.
One more reason to support linux phones. And yes, I know how inconvenient they can be compared to other models, but people should make the effort or else we will always live with these kinds of problems.
I'm a pinephone early adopter so you don't have to sell me on that. But I also know that such things are not viable for mass market. Pinephone works for me because I am technically savvy and value ownership of my device more than ease of use.
But time and time again we've seen that the market as a whole will go for whatever has the lowest friction. That's the singular most important factor. Whatever lets people do that thing quickest and easiest will usually win out.
So any serious and realistic discussion has to keep that in mind. This is why consumer protection laws are important. Because "people" aren't going to necessarily look out for their own long term best interests. And will choose the option that is easy today but will screw you down the road.
You're right. Thinking "people create problems for themselves" is egoistical, most people are not educated to see beyond ads, the ones who are, most don't care. The deepest problem with such behavior is that this influences industry to simply kill any support to less common options and such group of users (which probably include we two) won't get any support from major vendors.
Consumer protection laws are not only important even for those who don't care about them. They are important specially because there are so many people who don't care about them.
Then you try and fork it, and people get mad about that too and accuse you of splitting the community over a difference they didn't consider important and didn't take seriously and dismissed when it was brought up for decades before the fork happened.