> In the idealized straight-forward elaboration, then, all docs would live in the repo, but I haven't worked with a team that was on board with that
In case you're thinking about productizing your work I just want to give you a little encouragement that there are a lot of companies OK with having docs live alongside code. See Google's g3doc [1] for example. See also the docs as code movement.
Thank you for sharing the article! We definitely don't see companies having all docs in their repos, but strongly believe that there should be stronger ties between docs and code (and more transparency in docs in general)
It's a really hard problem to solve, but we believe that there will be a product that will crack it (even if it's not what we have right now)
In case you're thinking about productizing your work I just want to give you a little encouragement that there are a lot of companies OK with having docs live alongside code. See Google's g3doc [1] for example. See also the docs as code movement.
[1] https://www.usenix.org/conference/srecon16europe/program/pre...