> Have you ever thought, "Why can't everyone just be reasonable and nice?" Seoul is a place where it feels like that came true;
I haven't spent much time in Seoul but that sentence describes by feeling of Japan and Singapore where I have spent > 10 years. I know American's (and Europeans) get defensive about this and try to start pointing out the negatives of both places of which there are plenty but, it's hard to come back to the USA after being away so long and just see how much everyone is only out for themselves, being dicks in one way or another. Some are small (I see people not waiting their turn at the signal and blocking people's who's turn it is), Some less (saw some guy eating a bowl of chicken, pulling the lettuce out and just throwing it on the sidewalk), (Seeing people blaring their stereos to what showoff? not really sure what's up with that one except to show you have power over others by showing you can do something, blair your stereo, and they can't do anything about it), Some awful (all the car break ins and packages stolen and the attitude that it's the victim's fault)
I haven't spent much time in Seoul but that sentence describes by feeling of Japan and Singapore where I have spent > 10 years. I know American's (and Europeans) get defensive about this and try to start pointing out the negatives of both places of which there are plenty but, it's hard to come back to the USA after being away so long and just see how much everyone is only out for themselves, being dicks in one way or another. Some are small (I see people not waiting their turn at the signal and blocking people's who's turn it is), Some less (saw some guy eating a bowl of chicken, pulling the lettuce out and just throwing it on the sidewalk), (Seeing people blaring their stereos to what showoff? not really sure what's up with that one except to show you have power over others by showing you can do something, blair your stereo, and they can't do anything about it), Some awful (all the car break ins and packages stolen and the attitude that it's the victim's fault)